My Alphan Omega, Part 2

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Despite how many patriarchal Alphas and some conservative omegas perceive Alphan Omegas as 'failures or defects' in biology, M/n Pavlov is a perfect example of their undeniable potential as well as unwavering will to rise about it all.

M/n's love and willingness to help others no matter who they were is a quality that everyone can see. With his Sacrificer healing quirk, he always helps those that need him whether at school or on the streets and was free to do so as he had a special permit . As a result, he would often overuse his quirk and endure the stabbing, shooting, and burning severe neuropathic pain that came with it. When asked why would he go to such lengths, especially for people that might not be thankful for his help, he would give you a radiant smile (just like his brother Izuku) and say: "Because I want the world to become a better place with love and kindness being normal rather than some rare amazing event that has to go viral or be broadcasted on TV for people to see what empathy looks like. Instead of hoping someone else does it so that I can say 'the world needs more people like them', I choose to be a force of change. Granted, I alone can't change the world or save everyone but I can save and change someone's world. And through love and mercy, many of those I help may in turn aid others and that's how you change the world. I hope that through my show of empathy I can both help and inspire others to do the same. That it will be like a domino effect and in the end of it all, the lives changed and touched just keep up perpetually multiplying. Now something like that is absolutely worth all of the pain, energy, and work I do!"

Nonetheless, M/n also takes a more aggressive approach to helping people since he's been trained by his father and other colleagues from The Division. Additionally, he has been recognized by the organization as a young 'Division Fighter' who is extremely competent to assist in emergencies such as rescue and combat. Which brings us to our current situation:

It was Tuesday, school had just ended and the 3 boys were making their way to their respective houses. They were half way there when all of the sudden a damn truck was hurled at them, but M/n has lightning fast reflexes and was able to react at once "LOOK OUT!!" His  eyes flash magenta as his body glows f/c and a barrier immediately appears and shields them all. The truck hits the barrier with such force that it explodes on contact, throwing shrapnel everywhere and risking harming everyone in the vicinity. However, M/n's response was immediate yet again and he creates several domes that encapsulate every civilian in the blast area.

"Uwah!! W-w-what was-!"

" Holy shit, what the fuck?! Who's the motherfucker that-!"

The boys' words are cut off by loud roar in the distance and the appearance of another car that's thrown this time on the building right next to them. Once more, the Omega shields everyone from the falling cement and car pieces.

"Izuku and Bakugo, run, get out of here right now!! This is too dangerous to be here!"

"Hah?! The fuck you talking about shitty Omega?! As if I'd-!"

The h/c-nette turns to angrily glare at the bomb child, his magenta eyes meeting bright defiant gold ones. "You WILL leave, Bakugo because neither YOU or IZUKU are licensed nor have ANY IDEA how to fight and handle this situation!"

"Hah, and you do?! Cuz last time I checked you weren't a licensed pro hero either, asshole!"

M/n sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. Well, the secret was always bound to be out one day. "I've only told Izuku and Auntie Inko about this because they can keep a secret and I trust them. But since your dumbass isn't going to listen to me without this." The h/c-nette opens up his school blazer, and reveals The Division's insignia tattooed just under his right collar bone:

BNHA Male Reader x Katsuki Bakugo OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora