6 1/2 (pt. 1)

72 3 0

1126 hours
3 days since launch
~1,800,000 miles from earth
(~2,896,200 kilometers)


"T minus ten minutes until landing procedures." Kaylie told Toast and Corpse. All three of them were in the navigational room and the rest of the crew was ordered to go and wait in the sleeping quarters and brace themselves.

"Mhm... uh, we're going to fast- divert power from the back to the front thrusters." Toast called,
"See- we're seeing landmarks 4 seconds to early."

"M-kay, got it. Forward thrust in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1." Corpse responded as the ship slowed to it's corrected pace.
"Diverting power away from the forward thrusters to the stabilizers." Kaylie continued.
"Alright, begin decent in T minus 15 seconds..." Toast finished.

Sykkuno's POV:

"You excited Sykkuno?" Rae asked me as we strapped into seats that folded out of the walls.
"I sure am!" I responded as, this time, I had found my strap by myself.

Suddenly we could all hear Toast announce something over the comms in our helmets,
"Everyone brace yourselves, decent begins in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1- divert 30% power to the forwa-" And then his voice cut of as the ship began shaking violently.

A small screen on the inside of our helmets told us how far we were from the lunar surface,

100,000 mi

90,000 mi

80,000 mi

and so on. Soon we felt the ship slow and the shaking stop as the ship lunged while touching down on the moon.
"Members of crew 82... we have landed." We heard Toast call happily over comms.

We all started cheering as we got up from our seats.
"We made it!"
"The first successful mission to the moon since 1972!"

But before we could leave the ship we had to adjust to the moon's gravity, it's a whole lot weaker than earth's and the synthetic gravity of the Skeld. We all, very slowly, made our way to the airlock where we met up with Kaylie, Toast, and Corpse.

1146 hours
3 days since launch
On the lunar surface

Hey so I just realized I fucked up the distance from the earth to the moon (like really bad) so can yall just go with it? please?

"Okay Sykkuno, Valkyrae, Poki, and Hudson, your going out first. Step into the airlock whenever your ready." Toast told us, we were already ready so we all walked in and waited for the door behind us to close. When it did the room pressurized and the door leading out side hissed open.

"Wow, it's so... empty!" Poki said laughing a little.
"Okay well let's all set these up." Hudson commanded as he started moving some of the boxes with scanners and radars out of the airlock.

"Oh c'mon Hudson! Have a little fun before you start working!" Rae called as she hopped around happily.

Sorry for not updating, I've been busy moving and y'know doing things irl so updates will be a lot slower. Also I have my fist completed book out so maybe read that? Idk...
Anyways love y'all, drink water and have a good day or night :]

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