Author's Note

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Hello, hey there, hi. 

I- People, I finished the second book of this series! Oh, my, God! I enjoyed writing this second book so much. I had SO much creative freedom, and I think I did a pretty good job with juggling the original plot of ATLA and the development of my personal plot I wanted to add. Like, I feel like this book is the one that really kick started the series, and even though it only took me about two months to finish it, it seemed like it took me forever. I think that's good because I felt really emerged in how Safiyah was developing through her personal journey. I hope you guys thought so too; the last thing I want is for Safiyah to be a flat character. And just the fact that for every chapter I posted for this book, I had comments to see, and that's freaking AWESOME. 

Anyways, third book is next. Now, as excited as I am for it, I'm also nervous. One, I'm nervous to see your reactions when you find out what the tattoos mean. I think that it's a big plot twist, but I don't know, you'll see. Second, as you guys know, the third book of ATLA begins with the Gaang being on Hakoda's ship. I have a few ideas for the interaction between Safiyah and Hakoda:

1. Saf stays hidden with a cover name and new identity, never once mentioning who she really is, or her relationship with Sokka. Sokka tries convincing her to confess who she really is, but she doesn't want to do it. Sokka then tells Hakoda, Hakoda pulls Safiyah into a room for a talk, Hakoda is more understanding and forgives Saf (Or at least now there isn't much of bad blood, I guess). 

2. Saf and Sokka both agree with the idea of Saf staying undercover, but then, when Aang wakes up, he kind of exposes Saf's identity ("Saf, what are we doing here? But Sokka's dad-") dialogue goes along these lines. Hakoda starts to question Sokka, and eventually Saf's identity is revealed. But again, Hakoda is more understanding. Keep in mind, for these two scenarios Saf is only revealing her identity as a fire bender, she isn't revealing THAT other part. BUT Hakoda does realize the truth, and tells Saf at the invasion. 

3. This is the more troubling, dramatic scenario. I suppose this one also involves more depth and growth. Saf argues with Sokka, who wants to tell his dad who Saf really is (a fire bender) because he feels like he will understand. Even when Saf disagrees, Sokka does tell his dad. This results in a huge dispute, and Sokka defends Saf against his dad. But Saf is kinda wrecked, so she just shuts herself away from the others. There are some more added details, but you know, that's the general idea. 

Anyways, those are the ideas I have for that. They still need some more work, but I think they all have potential. I DON'T KNOW, I NEED OPINIONS. So let me know which one you like. 

Now, I have some questions. They are similar to the ones I had at the end of the last book, but slightly modified. I hope you answer them! 

1. What was your absolute favorite part, scene, arc, etc. of this book? 

2. Which moment got the biggest reaction out of you? Something that made you go, "Oh, my, gosh, that really just happened!" This could be for any moment.

3. Do you think my writing improved in this book? (I swear to god, if anyone says no, I will literally throw punches through the screen). 

4. Did you like this book more than the other book? If so, why? 

5. What parts of the story did you feel were weak and rushed?

6. What part of the story did you feel were well-written? 

7. What are some theories you have about what might happen, and are you excited to find out what really happens? I'm hoping you read the third book!

8. Lastly, how would you rate this book overall?

Sorry, this turned out to be a long author's note. This truly does help me and I appreciate it when people give me feedback. The third book is called The Desired Ending, and I think the first chapter will be up either tomorrow or the day after that. I'm not sure. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed the entirety of this book, and I'm even more excited to share with you the third book!

That is all, 

Love, Sumaya ;) 

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