Chapter 24: The City of Secrets

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HEYYY GUYS! AHH I'm so excited because today marks the beginning of the Ba Sing Se arc. Y'ALL A LOT HAPPENS and I hope my writing shall do it justice :) In this chapter, you shall be meeting the new oc, who'll soon become Safiyah's slight crush. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and happy reading!


|The City of Secrets|


"Look, the inner wall!" Katara cries. "I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece!"

I jerk out of my relaxed position. I sit up, recovering from my accidental man-spreading position. I look out the windows, seeing the second great wall of Ba Sing Se in its stone stature. A soft humming goes through the train as it runs through the stone monorail. Katara is right; making it to Ba Sing Se almost did feel like a beacon of hope. Although, I don't know if that hope is enough for me. There's too much for me to figure out. 

"Hey, don't jinx it!" Sokka rebukes. "We could still be attacked by some giant, exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!" He counts out the impossibilities on his hand. 

"You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph asks. I laugh at her statement. 

"I'm just saying, weird stuff happens to us," Sokka says in defense. Ironically, a man with a strange, distant expression sits in between he and Toph. The man's also sucking on an ear of corn, the saliva sliding down unattractively. I turn away with my discreet look of disgust. 

"Don't worry Aang," Katara says suddenly, and I notice Aang is staring out the windows. "We'll find Appa." 

"It's such a big city," Aang replies hopelessly. Sokka rolls his eyes and says that Appa is too huge of a bison for him to be hidden. 

The train goes through the dark tunnel in the inner wall, and we emerge into Ba Sing Se. The city stretches on and on with such intricate additions. Every inch of the landscape is covered in roofs of the several houses, jam packed together. I can barely see the surrounding wall, for it's pushed back by all the architecture. The monorail that we are traveling on covers the city, like a skyscraper. 

"Oh," Sokka says softly. His face is written with confusion, like he can't comprehend why the city is this massive in size. 

The train stops at one of the monorail stations planted in the city. We step out of the train, admiring more of the view. Toph is the only one that doesn't seem to enjoy herself since we're back in the city. 

"He's here. I can feel it," Aang says while staring into the city. 

I turn around and watch the train leave, the earth benders in the back pushing it along. However, in the gaps between the separate train cars, I see a woman. But what's even more unsettling about her is the grin across her face, large enough to split her face muscles. And she's staring directly at us. 

The train is long gone, yet she still stands on the other side of the monorail. She stands still, immobile as her hair and robes flow around her. It's scarier when she finally starts to move toward us. 

"Hello, my name is Joo Dee," she says calmly, her creepy grin still on her face. In a very cool, calculated manner, she says that she's here to show Aang around Ba Sing Se. "And you must Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Safiyah." She nods at us. "Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?"

Sokka smiles and visibly assumes that Joo Dee is on the same page as him. He starts speaking about the solar eclipse being secret information about the Fire Nation army and that the Earth King needs to be notified as soon as possible, to which Joo Dee blankly responds: 

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