Chapter 1: Zen

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CHAPTER 1! Ugh so excited for this beginning! Anyways, I really, REALLY, won't keep you any longer, so I hope you enjoy and happy reading!




My eyes slowly crack open, but barely. I'm just begging to go back to sleep. I switch sides to rest on my left side, but then that's when I notice an unusual figure. 

Without hesitation, I shoot blasting fire in the wanted direction, but I'm still laying down in my position. All of it happens in fluid motions of a couple seconds. 

I realize then that I'm not in the water tribe, I'm not at any place I know, and I'm alone. Sokka, Katara, Aang, none of them are with me. 

My mouth falls open in horror, and then someone says, "Are you finally remembering everything?" I look up, and I almost get thrown back against the wall when I see who's actually there. 

It was Zen. Of all people, it was Zen. 

Instead of bombarding him with all sorts of wanted questions, I ask, "You?" but it comes out loudly in my shock. 

Zen was one of my best friends from back at the Fire Nation. He's also Zhao's son. Him, Zuko, and I were really close. It was hard not to be when the hours I spent training were also spent with them. Zen also admittedly has a great personality; he's just so likable. But he betrayed me, and I don't think I've ever forgotten about that. It left a scar. 

No, literally, I have a gigantic scar on my stomach because of the jerk. 

"Surprise!" Zen yells cheerfully. He's grinning hugely while I sit, trying to comprehend the absurdity of everything that's happening. "I'm shocked you didn't keep in touch with me after you left without a word two years ago."

My shock turns into anger, and - fully awake now - I push past him and storm down the hallway. I turn for a few minutes, weaving through the hallways and looking for an exit. Then, I walk into what seems to be the living room of this unknown place and without gazing over its details, I walk out the main door. 

Once I'm outside, I hear the faint rush of lapping waves, the white noise of rushing water. I look around and that's when I realize we're on an abandoned cliff side. The only way for me to escape is to jump. 

Dejectedly but determined, I march back inside the small household, and make it back to the room, finding Zen still standing serenely at the doorway. I stand in front of him and grit, "Get me off this cliff, now." 

"Just let me talk, you're so stubborn," he sighs. "Don't you want to know about everything that happened? Why you're here, why your leg now doesn't hurt?" 

I've forgotten completely about my leg. I look down and move it a couple times, in awe at how it doesn't hurt anymore. It's completely healed. But that's impossible. I was sure it was broken and that would have taken several weeks to heal. 

"Fine, give me answers now," I demand. I sit back down on my bed, rubbing with the admittedly soft blankets that are begging me to clothe me in their embrace. Zen merely rolls his eyes. 

"First, here's your dagger that I found on you," he says. I look next to me and find a small bedside table which holds one dagger, recognized as my own. The second one is no where to be seen, and I curse myself for leaving it at the tribe. "And I'm more hospitable than you think, believe it or not. Let's get you something to eat."


We made it to a room and I sat down at the table while Zen left to go to the kitchen. I didn't even know there was a kitchen. 

Mixed Troubles - Sokka x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora