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After a year that is full of love...

"Cheers for everyone! For SHINee's successful concert, for the first baby of Jonghyun hyung and Cassandra noona and for the newly wed, Onew hyung and Stella noona and for the going strong relationships of everyone. Yeorobun chukahae!" Kibum said it loudly as they toast their glasses. They are having a celebration exclusively for them as of now.

"Ne. Chukahae!" Everyone greeted each other happily.

"Hmm... Seems like SHINee bachelors are tying the knot one by one already. I wonder who will be the next?" Cassandra smiles teasingly to the three couples while swaying the little baby she's carrying. "Kassie, you wanna see your godfathers and godmothers to get married soon right so that you will have someone to play with sooner?" Cassandra said it to their daughter.

Jonghyun lovingly places his arm on Cassandra's shoulder while touching their daughter. "You are agreeing with mommy, right baby?"

The little girl chuckles as if agreeing to her parents.

"Aigoo... Such a good girl." Jonghyun smiles to his daughter and then looks to his chingus. "So?" He stops his gaze to Taemin.

"Ya... Why are you looking at me that way hyung? You are not implying on something right?"

Jaq nods nervously. "Yeah right oppa, we are still young to hurry things up. I don't mean that Taemin is not the right guy for me, but I think it is better to take things slowly and surely." Jaq looks at Taemin when she ended.

"Awws, my love is so sweet." Taemin holds her hands and kisses it. "Nado. You are the right girl for me."

"Aigoo... Aigoo... Look at these two. Ya, we are still here. Pay respect to your elders." Kibum pouts as he said it. He then clears his throat. "Well... Actually." He gets the sleeping Yuriko from Ymari and intertwines his free hand with Ymari's hand. "Actually, we finally get the right to become Yuriko's legal parents... And one more thing, Ymari and I are already engaged." They did not keep the fact about Yuriko to his friends since they know that they can trust them.

Everyone teases the two. "Ya! When is the wedding?" Onew asks brightly to his dongsaeng.

"We still don't have any date in mind oppa. We will tell you about it if we will finalize everything." Ymari answers everyone's question with sparkling eyes.

"Wow! Chukahae!" Everyone becomes chaos just greeting the newly engaged couple.

They are in the middle of talking when Minho excused himself.

"Ya... I've noticed, you guys are not talking to each other, what happened?" Stella asked Chan who is left alone. The others look at her then.

Chan stares on the ground to hide her teary eyes. "Oppa gets mad at me. I tried reconciliating with him, but he just ignored me. I even thought of not coming here, but I took the opportunity to ask sorry to him, but he is still doing the same." She is not able to stop her tears from falling. The girls hug and comfort her.

"Shh... Don't cry. I think Minho-ssi is just trying tp cool down, right guys?" Stella looks at the other SHINee members.

"Ne. That's it. He is just trying to weigh things. He will be back soon and then talk with you Chan." Onew assures the girls that Minho will do it.

"Since when did your fight started and what happened?" Taemin asks out of the blue.

Chan sighs. "It's already three days that we are not talking properly. He gets mad when he sees me with other guy." Chan looks at them. "But that guy was just a friend, not more than that. I tried to tell it to him, but he won't listen to me." Chan's tears are unstoppable.

"Why are you with that guy in the first place?" Jaq asks Chan.

"Ya... You were there at that time. Remember when teacher Kang asked one of his students to accompany me in the laboratory to get the things needed for our experiment?"

"Yeah! I remember that. So oppa saw you with that guy? Why did you not tell him the real reason?"

"I did, but like what I said, he won't listen to me."

Kibum stomps his foot. "Ya, this guy. Aigoo... He is just jealous Chan. Just ignore his tantrums."


Taemin's eyes widen. "Look!" He points the door. They all gasp an air when they see Minho holding a bouquet of flowers hile his face is so red.

"Ahh, that is so sweet Minho-ssi." Cassandra squeals. The girls can't help, but to squeal while the boys are just suppressing their laughters.

Chan's tears flow again. She runs towards Minho who just naturally open his arms and wrap it around her waist. "I am so sorry if I hurted you. Please forgive me love." Minho whispers to her ears.

"Gwenchana. You know that I can't stay mad at you even a single hour." Chan returns his tight hug.

The room fills with laughter and teasing for the two. They were already engrossed in talking when Stella runs towards the bathroom to vomit.

"Neo gwenchana?" Onew rubs the back of his wife.

Stella nods. "I am fine. It's just that..."

"Gwenchana?" Everyone asks her when they sit back.

Stella smiles and then nods. "Don't worry. I am fine. This is just natural for me."

"Huh?" The others look at the couple with intrigued eyes.

Onew smiles widely. "My wife is pregnant tht is why she only wants to drink juice. I am sorry to tell you about it just right now." He smiles lovingly to his wife and then holds her hands tightly.

"Wow, there are so many things to congratulate! Neomo chukahae hyung and noona!" Minho winks to the two. The rest also congratulate them. "And hyung take good care of noona."

"Neomo gomawo everyone." Onew stands and then bows. "I promise to take care of her and to our baby."

They continue their celebration with joy and contentment within their hearts for they finally found the true love that is intended for them. They finally found the person that is fated to love them and that they are fated to love. :)

“Real LOVE is always FATED. It has been arranged before time. It is the most meticulously prepared of coincidence.”

-     Dody Haris -

I'm Fated To Love You {2SHOTS [Stories]( SHINee - OT5)}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant