꩜🚼💧⚤✓ Mommy's Pacifiers

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Jessica is a little confused. She has been reading a book, or at least looking at the pictures, when she realises that she dropped her pacifier. She looks around the room a bit, and sees a lot of toys there. It looks like there should be a lot of kids here, and she wonders where they went. She would like other kids to play with, but she can't remember if she has friends her own age or not. She's not worried, she just can't remember. She hopes that there's another little girl for her to play with.

Then Mommy comes back in and puts her pacifier back in her mouth, and Jessica stops thinking about it again. Mommy plays with her a little, and then goes to make lunch. The next time Jessica drops her pacifier, she realises that it makes her feel extra cute and safe. As soon as she sucked it, she stopped thinking about anything except playing with the toys. She wonders if she can go longer without sucking the pacifier, and then she might be able to think more, and she'll be able to remember if she has brothers and sisters.

She starts thinking like a little detective, but a lot of her thoughts are still a bit silly and childish. It seems like sucking the pacifier with the spiral and question marks on it makes her think less and get a bit confused. She realises that there are too many toys here for just her, like there's more than one of some things, and some of the toys have names on, Claire and John, so she knows there must be other kids here. She doesn't know how to find them, though.

And then dinner is ready. Jessica tries to hide her pacifier, so she can start playing detective again after the break. Mommy seems to notice, but doesn't say anything. She gives Jessica her lunch, but Jess wants to try eating by herself. She can do it pretty well. But after a little bit she puts her plastic spoon down feeling really proud of herself; the food is cold now. Mommy offers to warm it up a bit, and gives Jessica a new pacifier while she does it. It takes a minute before Jessica realises she's sucking on a pacifier again; but it seems like this time she still remembers that she was trying not to. She tries to take it out, but she can't. And then Mommy brings her food back, and Jessica can't feed herself without making a mess so she has to let Mommy help her.

When she goes back to playing, Mommy looks for the pacifier she had before, but Jessica says no and Mommy doesn't push her. Jessica keeps on playing anyway, dressing up one of her toys like a detective so the teddy can help her to find the brother and sister that she knows should be there.

The next interruption is when Mommy says she should take an afternoon nap, and wants to put her in diapers ready for her nap. Jessica argues that she's a big girl now, she doesn't need diapers for her nap anymore, and she doesn't need a nap, but Mommy is strict. She puts Jessica in pull-up diapers, and says that she can play a bit more if she wants. If she doesn't get tired then she can keep on playing like a big girl, but if she has an accident when she gets tired, or falls asleep while playing, then she must be a real baby who needs a nap. Jessica is happy with this because she knows she almost never wets herself while she's sleeping, and if she doesn't have to nap then she's sure she'll be able to go potty like a big girl.

Mommy reveals that she has 2 new pacifiers to replace the 'lost' one, and she lets Jessica choose. (Not sure about this next part; the other way around could work just as well). One has a 💤 on it, while the other has a little smiling raincloud. Jessica says she doesn't need one, and won't choose, so Mommy puts her hands behind her back and asks Jessica to pick one, like she's giving her a present, and Jessica doesn't realise she's still picking a pacifier. She gets the raincloud one clipped onto her shirt, and then she can play a little. But before long she finds herself sucking on her thumb without thinking, and that makes it hard to play detective, so she gives in and sucks the pacifier (thinking after lunch that maybe it's only the other one that confused her). She immediately wets herself, and then realises that the pacifiers must be magic.

She tries not to let Mommy find out, maybe thinking she can change her own diaper, but she's not big enough to do everything herself, and Mommy sees what she's trying to do. She gets changed into a proper diaper this time, not a bedtime one for bigger girls, and Mommy says it's time for her to take a nap. Jessica blames the pacifier, says the rainy one made her have an accident, so Mommy says she'll take it away and keep it safe. Then while Jessica is grinning, proud of solving that puzzle, Mommy puts the Zzz pacifier in her mouth and suddenly she's struggling to stay awake. She nods off before they even get to her bed.

When Jessica wakes up, she knows that the magic pacifiers are making her littler, making it harder to be a big girl. (Possibly she has a craving to suck by now, but she knows the Zzz will make her fall asleep again, so she tries the other one. If she picked that one first, then she might not realise what the raincloud will do yet). Now she wants to be a detective, and find out all about these magic pacifiers. But she can't read, and her imagination keeps running away with her. Mommy is always kind, always gentle, but won't let Jessica go without a pacifier so she has to work out which ones are best to help her learn more. Even the ones that seem like they should be harmless, like a rainbow, makes her obsessed with colouring in everything she sees, and putting stickers on things, so it's hard to detective.

As the afternoon comes to an end, she thinks about having a big sister, and how much she wants to play with somebody else. And Mommy says if she wants, she can have the question mark pacifier back so she doesn't worry about it anymore. Jessica wants to work out what's going on, but she doesn't know where to look, and before long Mommy uses another pacifier (TV? Colouring? Something to make her more babyish?) to calm her down, and then while she's relaxed there's a pacifier that makes her laugh (clown face?), and any time she does something like a little kid it seems really funny. After that, she's having fun so it's hard to say no to anything. Even the question mark pacifier, or the one that makes it hard to eat, she thinks she can be a big girl later but it won't matter if she goes along with it just once. So Mommy feeds her dinner, while she can't eat herself, and then makes her mess her diaper.

Jessica is changed out of her diaper, but isn't put into a clean one yet. She says she doesn't want another pacifier, but she finds it hard to not suck anything, and Mommy had the perfect solution to that. She starts to breastfeed Jessica, while tickling her thighs with the other hand, and Jessica quickly feels all of her adult thoughts coming back. This turns into an erotic scene, and afterwards Jess finds that she can remember everything again.

John, Lisbet, and Tori are Jess's kids, and Claire and Alan are Maddy ("Mommy")'s twins. She's been running herself ragged, working too hard to look after all the children, and started to feel jealous of how the younger ones could do whatever they wanted and never have to make decisions. This weekend, the stars aligned perfectly. Claire is at a sleepover with a school friend, Alan is old enough to be away on a class trip to France, and Jess's kids are staying with their father this weekend. And Maddy has a rare long weekend off work, so the two of them could have the house to themselves for a couple of days. On Friday and Saturday they found the time for a lot of sex, relaxing and getting pampered at a spa, and experimenting with erotic hypnosis. But Sunday morning, Jess found that she was a little tired. She still wanted to play, but she was feeling too drained to make any decisions. So they decided to experiment further, modify the hypnotic suggestions to let her see how it feels to be a little kid again.

(some of the toys were still in the spare room from when the kids were younger; maybe they've not been played with in years. And probably Jessica noticed earlier that some of the toys were too old for the age she saw herself. So even though her kids aren't quite that young, she still had everything she needed to be a baby. Maddy is a nurse at some kind of mental health facility, so could pop in and borrow a few adult-size diapers and pacifiers from the stores; and Jessica is slim enough to wear the 8-15 size of goodnites/drynites. So none of the stuff was too hard to get)

And after remembering what was going on, they decide that this was a lot of fun and they both look forward to trying this again.

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