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I wasn't a happy man, anymore.
I was jealous, insecure and  I hated it. Despite it all, I am happy  for Liam. I wanted this for him. He is out there enjoying his freedom and his youth.

'He is still young; he needs this, it's a hard truth I have to keep hammering in my mind daily.
Having him so far away is not sitting well with me.

As much as I was in for a full university adventure, I didn't sign up for unanswered texts and missed calls in the name of hanging out with friends.

I could feel the growing distance between us,which had me questioning everything I thought I knew. Is what we had, anything to go by? Maybe I was the only decent option he had back in prison. But now out there, I am sure better opportunities are at his turn. After all, he is the son of one of the most prominent men in the country.

Did I blame him? No, I knew he was just being himself. The him I didn't get to know due to the confinement. This is a landmine  I don't how to tread on.
I don't want to come out as a possessive jackass or some guy with insecurity issues, yet I want to be caring, loving, and to achieve that I have to call and text constantly.

That's why I am drowning myself with a bottle of whiskey. Yet another unanswered call.
The last time I complained about it,  over the phone, I got plenty valid reasons that made me come out as the villain.

So now I am planning  to  fly over there and have a face-to-face conversation.
If we manage to come with a comprise well and good. If we don't on the other hand, at least we can quit while we ahead.

I took another gulp of my drink and stared at nothingness. I grabbed my phone and messaged him, asking about the weekend plans.

He replied to my message hours later, after I had blacked out. I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache.
Thank heavens for those little red smooth pills, 'cause 4hrs later, I was ready to sit a one-hour flight.

I hate this part; take off. I made sure my earplugs was in place, because that screeching sound makes me feel weird things in my head.
Uncomfortable, almost painful things.

An hour an half later I am standing outside Liam's apartment. Just a knock and 'The Talk' will begin, I thought.

Breathing out heavily, I stretch my hand and knocked, tentatively. I let out a nervous sigh waiting to see that face.
Somehow that surpassed every other urge I had.

It surprised me how much I believed in our chemistry. I was sure the moment we lock gazes nothing else or no one else would matter.
It would be just us; like I have always wanted since the beginning.

That would be happening around now, if he would just open the damn door. I opted to ring the bell, and still nothing.

At first, I thought that maybe he had decided to nap in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. But then as I kept ringing, I realized that maybe he had lied to me. He said that he would be home all day, working on a school project.

I took my cell out and sent him a text to which he thankfully responded too fast.
He indeed confirmed that at this particular moment, he is holed up in his apartment buried in his studies.

I had to take a step back and breathe. How would he react if I told him that  I am standing outside his apartment?
How would he feel to be busted?

Or a second thought that exactly what he wanted, fman easier way out. If it's easy he wanted, I will just give him just that. I will drive out of here and go back home and pretend this never happened. Then I will also start to ignore his ass  and just like that, it will be  like we never happened.

I shook my at the unlikely ness of that happening.
I decided to go to a  hotel and at least check-in.  I picked my overnight bag which I had dropped on the floor and left.

Once in my hotel room, I took a quick shower and caught  a much-needed nap.

When I woke,  it was 9:46 pm. Great, I thought happily. It meant this was a great time. He would definitely be in the house. Since I have known him, he never stays out past nine unless he had company.
He is too addicted to his Tv shows streaming every episode as it drops.

I took a quick dash to the bathroom before I got dressed.
I pulled on a v-shaped grey t-shirt paired with black fitting  pants. I grabbed a denim-hood jacket from the bag, put on my black boots, and in no time I was in a cab.

Throughout the ride, I dreaded our conversation. I knew some anger will be expressed and to be quite honest I was looking forward to that. I knew he had some reasons for pushing me away and I couldn't wait to hear them. When the cab driver pulled on a very familiar gate my heart rated picked up insanely.

I rode alone in the elevator.

When it came to a stop, I stepped out cautiously and for a second I didn't know what to expect.
I kept going forward and just as I predicted, he was home.

You couldn't have missed it; not when loud music was blaring from his apartment. I took out my phone and called him and he rejected the call. He sent me a message informing me that he would call later, because he had to meet some friends to finish the group project.

It was a group project, alright. Just not the one I was hoping for. I send him a quick text telling him to open his door. Just seconds after I had hit send, the door opened and a surprised-guilty Liam appeared.

He shut the door behind him, for more privacy I guess, but it's ridiculous since we are standing in a hall. When our gaze met it was nothing like I had anticipated. While his was filled with guilt, and remorse I am sure mine showed just how hurt I felt.


" Look, we need to talk," I cut him off curtly.
"Not here," I looked around the hallway uncomfortably. "I have room not far from here." I clarified and he nodded silently.

He quickly got back in the house; probably to notify someone he was leaving.
I didn't see why he should bother, because I wasn't planning on keeping him for long.
I have already made my decision. It ends tonight.
We are in different phases of our lives and as much as I want to, I can't keep doing this to myself.

I am looking for a strong and steady kind of thing, Liam's age doesn't allow him to desire that. He is only twenty- two. Still discovering who he is and how to break out of his shell. I guess the five years between us does really make a difference.

"Ready?" I asked when he reappeared again,

"Mmh... " he hummed lowering his head.


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