Seven: I Can't Stop Missing You

Start from the beginning

Liam's P.O.V.

Harry got straight to work on our pancakes so we are all standing around the kitchen counter.

A questions comes to mind.

"Lana, may I ask you a question....?" I ask while pulling out a stool to sit on.

"Yeah sure Liam. Go ahead." she responds.

I glace and Niall, he looks at me with his own question lingering on his face. Then I look back to Lana.

"I'm sure you told Niall last night at the concert.. And I'm sorry if I'm intruding on anything personal.. But why were you crying last night?" I ask.

I see her take in a sharp breath, and watch her hand move automatically to the locket that is clasped around her neck.

"I... Um...." she stammers.. Looking down a bit.

"Lana it's okay. You don't have to answer him.. I mean the boys just get curious sometimes." Niall tells her.

"No.. No they deserve to know. After all it was the biggest show of your lives and I spent most of it crying." She replies, giving him a sad smile.

Niall nods and stands to Lana's left.

"Well I haven't really talked to anyone about it. I mean it's just recently happened, about 6 weeks since I lost him and 6 months since he was diagnosed..." She whispers.

"Diagnosed...?" Zayn asks quietly.

Lana sighs and takes a deep breath.

"6 months ago, I was alseep in my bed when my best friend Aaron came into my room and woke me up. 2 months before hand while we were at school he had puked up blood and was rushed to the emergency room. They doctors thought nothing of it and sent him home. Now this morning, when he showed up in my room he was begging, pleading for my help. I switched on the light and saw that again, he was covered in the blood that he somehow managed to puke up...." she takes another breath.

"I got out of bed, with my pjs on and brought Aaron to the hospital where the doctors seperated us for 2 hours before calling me back to room 116...." She says using very few details at one minute, and the tiniest little ones at the next. Remembering things that she did that morning perfectly.

"I walked into room 116, and that morning at 5am, I sat with Aaron as the doctors told him he had stage 3 stomach cancer and had at least 5 months to live." She said with tears starting to gather in her eyes. She shook her head to try and get rid of them but they stayed.

She sighed again and continued her story. "Four months. He had four more months in him.... I stayed with him at the hospital the whole time. I never went home, I left for college. I mean how could I go to school knowing that any second my best friend could die? My mom came to visit occassionally and for those 4 months I found solace in your music. On the night he passed.. The day we got matching tattoos.. " She says running her left index finger over the tattoo on her right pinky finger. "The night he listened to me sing one of your songs in the shower......" She gives a light laugh and blushes. "He ordered the ticket for your show. He told me that everything happens for a reason. And I told him that I didn't want to undergo whatever life changing event could occur if he couldn't be there with me. But he insisted, and that night he told me he loved me. Not like love just friendly love. We we're incredibly close..." she says shaking and crying now.

"And then when I woke up the next morning he was gone. And I cried. And cried. And cried. For 4 hours after he died I just stayed next to him and I cried. Then after the doctors told me I had to leave, I gathered my things and walked out. And I turned on my phone to listen to you guys... and M-Moments came on...... A-A-And..." she couldn't finish.

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