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Mila's POV:

So I did it, I gave in. I allowed myself to be selfish for the first time in almost 5 years and put my heart before my head.
I let him in - the one man that had broken me in a way I had never been broken before, and there wasn't a part of me that had regretted one single moment since.
It was almost to good to be true - the way Maddox was - how he treated me, how he was with Nova and the way he reacted when I'd told him the story about Wyatt - the story about our son - I think a part of me kind of expected him to yell or scream at me, I thought he would hate me for taking his child away from him, for keeping him a secret for so long - I definitely didn't expect I was going to end up in his bed again, wrapped in his arms, I didn't know this would lead to family outings with my daughter - watching her fall in love with Maddox, and I knew she was because the way she looked at him, was exactly the same way I looked at my own father.

We made it weeks without a problem, 22 days without a single drama, without a single argument - but nothing lasts forever and now I was holding on to information that could possibly lead to a giant fall out.
I wasn't expecting the knock on the door that Monday afternoon, I wasn't expecting the young boy in the delivery uniform with the yellow envelope waiting for me to sign and I absolutely was not expecting to see Lucas's name on the documents that slipped from the package.
It wasn't a legal thing, despite the official looking paperwork with the arrogant 'Parson, Hammerstein & Daniels" business name printed across the top in its fancy bold writing. It was a letter - just a letter - just a letter from my husband - because that's what he still was - my husband. A husband I hadn't heard a single world from since the day he walked out and left me with our 3 week old baby girl.
I read every word written in the beautiful hand writing that marked the page, it was so emotional and probably the most honest thing I had ever seen from the man I married, and yes - it brought tears to my eyes.

My gorgeous Mila,

It has taken me almost 5 years to get myself together enough to reach out to you, almost 5 years to realise I made the biggest mistake of my life when I walked away from you, almost 5 years to realise what an absolute coward I am, or at least I was anyway.
There is nothing in the world that would explain to you how sorry I am that I walked away, no words
or actions I can offer to take away any of the pain I have caused you and nothing I could ever do to get back the time I have lost with the most precious thing you could have ever given me - our beautiful little Nova.
I have dreamed of you both, our little girl - wondering who she is and what she looks like, hoping she is just like you in every way.
I realise a lot of time has passed Mila and I realise you may hate me for everything I have out you through but I am still your husband and I will always be Nova's father. I have changed a lot since we last saw each other, grown up a lot and I am ready for what once scared me into running away.
What I'm asking for Mila, is a chance to see you in person - and yes, I could absolutely do this in a courtroom but I am hoping that we are able to meet - face to face and talk before making a choice about if that path needs to be taken.
I have no way of reaching out to you other than your current listed address so I am giving you my contact information, please Mila - I am begging you , if you love me, if you ever truly loved me, please - come see me.
Love Lucas.

His contact numbers both work and mobile, his email and postal addresses were written in the same writing at the bottom of the letter - the letter I had read and re-read at least three times before dialling his number.
His voice was the same deep, soft tone he'd had when we were together. It sounded as though almost no time had passed since we had last spoken.
Yes, I could have chosen not to call him, I could have torn the letter up and ignored he'd ever tried to contact me - but there was the underlying threat in that note about a courtroom and he was still Nova's biological father.

"Lucas Daniels"


"Mila? Wow - you called me"

"Did I have a choice?"

"You did, you made the right one. How are you?"

I sighed,

"I'm fine Lucas, you?, you made partner I see - congratulations"

"Thank you, I'm good - great actually. Thank you for calling me Mila"

"What is this Lucas, what do you want?"

"I want to see you, I need to see you. God Milly I made so many mistakes when we were together - I want to talk to you, please. We will do it on your terms, anyway you want to. I just need to see you - please"

My heart was pounding my mind racing a million miles a minute, he sounded desperate, pained

"Where are you Luke?"

"I'm in the city, an hour from you - come see me Mila, can you do that?"

"Ok" I nodded, even though he couldn't see me "I mean, I'll try and get the weekend off, I'll have to see if Mum can look after Nova - but I'll try Lucas"

"Ok, call or text me when you know and I'll set something up where we can meet up"

"Sure, I'll let you know"

Silence stretched between the two of us - the sound of his breath filled my ears,

"Mila" his voice was lower, deeper than before "I cannot wait to see you beautiful"

"Lucas, I" I stuttered, my body couldn't help but react to him, still even after all this time has passed,

"Don't say anything baby, we will see each other soon, I'll wait for your text"

With that he disconnected the phone, I threw myself onto the lounge, partially disgusted with myself for allowing him to make me feel that way towards him and wishing I could resent him- but I wasn't angry at him - I had given that up years ago when I chose to focus on our daughter.
Now he was back, or was he? I didn't know what any of this was yet but if I could make it work I am guessing he will be telling me exactly why he has reached out to me now - surely he can't be thinking we are going to get back together? Would that be something I could even do? Would I be willing to take him back? He is Nova's father - but does that mean I could love him again? Could I choose Lucas over Maddox??
Maddox, oh my god - Maddox, why was he only coming to mind now?
There was no way I could tell Maddox I was going to see Lucas, not yet anyway.
I don't think I could tell anyone yet I was going to see Lucas - Twice in my life I had allowed myself to trust and fall for a man and twice I had been left a broken mess, my parents and Dane left to pick up the pieces and hold me together - so no there was no way I could tell them I had willingly agreed to meet with him - instead I would cover the truth with a lie and hope to go it didn't end up causing more heartbreak especially now they both seemed to be back in my life - though this time was worse - this time it they were both in here at the same time.

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