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10 Years Ago :

Maddox's POV:

"Get over yourself bro, go over there"

My best friend Dane was practically laughing at me, I had never hesitated with a girl before but I knew deep down that this one was different.

"What if she's not interested"

"What" Dane laughed out loud this time "Name one girl in this school who doesn't worship you dude"

"That one" I pointed over to where she was sitting across the lawn. Her back was to me but I could almost picture her smile. She was one of the most gorgeous girls in the school and we had been friends since our first day of high school. Things had changed for me though recently and I wanted more with her I just wasn't sure if she felt the same way and I really really didn't want to lose her

"You better get it together bro cause here she comes"

Pulling out of my thoughts I turned my focus to her, she walked towards me. She had left her long black hair out today which usually meant she didn't have any type of health lesson, her fair skin was so soft and smooth and her bright blue eyes and soft pink lips made her absolutely gorgeous.

"What are you boys doing all the way over here, we'd saved you guys seats"

"We were coming beautiful, we were just having some boy talk" Dane wrapped his arm around her shoulders kissing her cheek, if Dane had been any other guy I would have been showing some display of jealously now for sure by pulling her away from him but this has always been their dynamic.

"Gross, I don't even want to know what that means"

"Well usually it means girls and sex and"

"Shut up Dane, god. You know Lila is over there talking about how hot you looked at practice yesterday why don't you go torture her"

"Really?.... well I'm out. See you guys later"

We both turned to watch Dane strut towards the table, a soft giggle pulling my attention back.

"Something funny babe?"

"Maybe" she giggled again, looking up at me with those big blue eyes and batting them innocently

"Shit, Lila wasn't really talking about Dane was she?"

"Nope" she laughed "but this will be fun to watch"

I laughed with her, wrapping my arms around her I lifted her and spun her around, had hands holding my neck as she half laughed and half screamed,

"Absolute trouble babe"

"You love me"

"Maybe" I smirked at her, her blue eyes watching me

"Hey Madz"


"Can we do something tonight, just us?"


"I was thinking we" She was interrupted by the sound of the bell signalling the end to lunch and time for 5th period.

"How about I pick you up at 7, I'll plan something for us ok"

"Ok. Walk me to class?"

"You don't even have to ask Mila"

I walked her to class, smiling the whole way and fingers twitching - itching to grab a hold of her hand. But regardless of that fact she had technically asked me first - I had a date, tonight, with Mila Micheals.

"So, what are we doing tonight Madz?"

I was completely distracted by Mila from the second she'd stepped out her front door. She was wearing the tightest pair of blue jeans I'd seen - it almost looked like they had been painted on. She'd paired it with a black singlet top which hugged her curvy body.

"I ah, well it's still pretty warm so I thought we could head to the lake, they have that little diner there now, we could grab some food sit in the back of the truck"

"Sounds great"

The lake was unusually quiet tonight though it was fairly early so we managed to get a great spot secluded towards the back, both of us ordered hotdogs and chips and sitting in the tray of the truck with our backs against the cab.
Every movement Mila made caught my attention and she knew I was watching her - if it made her uncomfortable though she never said.

"Hey Madz"


"I was kinda wondering if you could help me sort something out"

"Sure babe, what do you need?"

"It's just something I'm not sure about, and I guess I need to see if I'm right or not"

"Ok. What do you need me to do?"

Before I could say anything more Mila had moved, straddling my lap she wrapped her hands around my
neck, my hands automatically moving to her hips. My heart pounding rapidly in my chest as she twisted her fingers through my hair.

"I don't want to ruin our friendship Madz, but I can't stop thinking about how maybe I want more than that, do you maybe want more? With me?"

"I want more Mills, shit I have been thinking about more with you for awhile"


"Yeah, hell yeah. And I don't want to lose you as a friend either but fuck Mills you are so god damn sexy and beautiful, you are funny and"

So yeah - I'd had this speech prepared to give her for when I'd finally got enough courage to tell her how I felt but she'd beat me to it, and then once I'd started to actually tell her she cut me off - in the best possible way I could've hoped for.
She pressed her soft pink mouth to mine, in the sweetest kiss. So fast I didn't even have time to respond.

"Madz" she whispered, her mouth close enough I could feel her warm breath on my face, I smiled at her - moving my hand to cup her cheek and pulling her back to me.
This time when our lips touched it was like lightening shooting through my body, and as I parted her lips with my tongue and tasted her for the very first time any control I had vanished.
I felt her fingers tighten in my hair as I slid my hands under her shirt and let them lay on the small of her back directly on her skin.
I pulled her closer to me and when I heard the sweetest moan come from her mouth I had know doubt she could feel how much I had wanted her.

That night was one of the greatest nights of my 18 years. We had stayed at the lake making out like we had years to catch up on and by the time I dropped her home, walked her to the door and kissed her goodnight I had made her mine as much as she had made me hers.

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