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Present Day:

I'd fallen asleep on the lounge, watching some crappy TV show I honestly couldn't tell you what it was about though. And that was the only reason I heard the heavy pounding on the door at 1am. It startled me when it first happened though I instantly recognised the voice that was calling my name,

"Mila, please. You need to let me in, we need to talk"

Yes, I quickly checked my appearance in the mirror before opening the door. Not that there was much I could do about it, I needed to put a stop to the crazy person in my front yard before my neighbours called the police.

"Maddox, you need to be quiet, what are you doing here?"

"Please, let me in Mila. I just want to talk to you. Please"

I had never seen him look so desperate. His eyes were filled with confusion and hurt. I'm sure my face reflected his though - definitely confusion. I knew through Piper that they were all headed to the pub to watch the game tonight so I don't really know, unless.....

"Maddox, are you ok?"

I closed the door, locking it before turning to face him. He looked so sad.

"Why didn't you come tonight Mila?"

"I told Piper, it was a long week at work and I was feeling a bit rundown. I just needed a good nights sleep Maddox"

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths. His entire body was tense.

"Just tell me, please. Tell me the truth"

He knew, at least this part anyway.

"Maddox, I"


"Baby, what are you doing awake?" I picked my daughter up holding her close to me

"I heard banging, is it morning?"

"No baby, and I'm sorry for the banging. It was just my friend Maddox. He just came by to say hello. But it's way past a little girls bed time so your going back to bed"


I turned my attention to Maddox, shifting Nova so she could rest her head on my shoulder. I pushed her dark curls out of her eyes

"Maddox, this is my daughter Nova. Nova this is my friend Maddox"

"Hi Nova, wow your beautiful - just like your Mumma"

Nova gave him a sleepy smile,

"That's just what grandpa says too"

"I'll bet he does"

"All right trouble, say good night to Maddox and back to bed for you. If your lucky I'll make you  Pancakes in the morning"

"Night Maddie" Nova waved to Maddox who was grinning at his new nickname.

"Good night sweetheart, I'll see you soon"

"Let me get her sorted and I'll be back ok. Kitchen is through that way we may need caffeine if this conversation is happening"

Nova was out before I'd even tucked her in. She had always been a good sleeper I'd been incredibly lucky in that department.

Maddox was setting the coffee cups down on the lounge room table when I returned and I took a seat next to him on the lounge.
There was a few moments of silence before he break it.

"She is gorgeous Mills"

"Yes, well I think so. But I may be biased"

"No, your not. She's just like you, except for"

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