Cole had kissed the urn before he went to his room unaware that two pairs of eyes were watching him.

"Aw," said Axolotl as she wiped a tear away. She took a picture of the urn and sent it to the other Die stating that it was Cole's mother within. "That is one of the sweetest jesters I've seen. Wolf, are you okay?"

Wolf had his tail tucked in between his legs while his ears as he rubbed his eyes.

"I'm... okay," he said as his voice was breaking a little... "It's just so sweet that he loves his mother so much, I think I'm gonna break."

Axolotl chuckled as she hugged him.

"I'm sure the others would be happy knowing that he loves his mother to no end, but we have to talk to him."

Wolf sniffed as he pulled himself together. The two had climbed the house to get to the lower roof where Cole's bedroom window was.

"Ready, Axol?"

"Ready, Wolf."

Wolf gently knocked on the window drawing Cole's attention. His eyes widened in horror so Axolotl pulled up a piece of paper stating they came in peace and asking if they could come in.

Cole hesitated, but eventually let them into his room lucky that he had the house to himself that night.

"Why are you here?" he said as he sat on his bed.

"Tigress has her ways of getting information," stated Axol as she sat on the floor in front of him. Her tail wrapped around her as her gills seemed to settle down. "We truly mean no harm to you, your father, or... your deceased mother... We're sorry for your loss, by the way..."

Wolf nodded a lot as he tried to keep his tears from falling.

"Some of us Die have families, while others have us as a family," said Wolf as he got on one knee wrapping an arm around Axolotl. "At the end of the day, we Die like to think of our pack as our extended family regardless of if our biological families are alive or not."

"You kill people," said Cole. "That's bad..."

"My story is that a cruel man kidnapped my parents when my brother and I were very young," said Axolotl. "The same guy enslaved our parents using them for his wishes and he lied to my brother stating that they abandoned us... When we found out the truth, our parents exploded before us and poisoned us after making a meal out of our parents' remains... Alpha, our former leader, had brought us back, but couldn't bring our parents back, so they vowed to find the murderer and kill him too..."

"It's a shame that they never found that guy," stated Wolf as he pulled her closer to him.

"What's your story, Wolf?"


"Why are you a Dice?"

"Oh. There was this businessman that had eyes for Axolotl and he wanted her all to himself, but I stood in between him and Axol... He hired a hitman to kill me and my family for getting in his way, but he only managed to kill me... From what Tigress said, my parents were weeping until they fell asleep until I was brought back by Dice Blood. After that, my parents wanted that businessman to learn a lesson for thinking that he could get his wishes by ruining others' lives... Heh heh, the look of shock when he saw that it was alive will forever be in my head."

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe you..."

"I kinda figured you'd say that," said Wolf as he lifted his top. His chest had many bullet scars and even his back had bullet wounds too. "No one can survive this many bullets unless they've got something implanted within them, but no one has had that kind of surgery."

Cole examined the wounds carefully. They weren't fake making him sigh...

"You Die will keep insisting that you're the good guys, won't you?"
Wolf and Axolotl nodded.
"Then please protect us."

"I was given a direct order to watch over your family, Cole," said Wolf. "I will not let you down. If I do, then you can have my tail."

"No, no thank you... I don't want your tail... Thank you, but no thank you..."

"It was a figure of speech. Like how some people get their asses handed to them, but there is no donkey or butts involved. Something like that."

"Oh... I have a question before you go."

"What is it?" Axolotl asked.

"Is Jay Walker under your care too? What about Kai and Nya Smith? Kai's Math teacher has the hots for Nya I think and Jay is my friend. Lloyd Garmadon wants revenge for his father and then there's Zane Julian and Aloy..."

Axolotl and Wolf looked at each other.

"I was originally Jay's watcher before Wolf entered the picture," said Axolotl. "Now you and Jay are under Wolf's care while I watch over The Smiths, Fox watches over Lloyd, Falcon watches over Zane, and Dragon watches over Aloy. Each is aware of what they do and what goes on around them so they're as safe as we can make them."

Cole sighed in relief. Knowing that his new friends are safe made him feel better. Maybe he can trust them.


Word Count: 1551

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