"You pureblood scum, how dare you touch me! I am not surprised that your brain is below your belt! You think so highly of yourself that you are sure that you can get any girl you like. Haven't you ever thought that flobberworm is more handsome than you are?" Sirius heard Alex shouting in the corridor.

He poked his head out the door, James and Peter did the same. He was very surprised when he saw his own brother lying on the floor. Carpet was soaked with blood and there was some glass all around.

"What's happening?" Sirius asked completely stepping out in corridor. He looked at Alex and his brother with suspicion.

"Nothing that I can't handle," Alex said with coldness in her voice.

Students who came out of their carriages to check what was going on, now was returning back with surprised and shocked looks on their faces. Nobody had ever seen Alex like this. She looked calm, but her eyes looked dangerous, her voice was full of threats.

"I haven't done with you, you mudblood bitch!" Regulus spat and got up on his feet to leave.

Alex and Marauders was standing in the corridor. They did not say a word. Sirius looked at Alex, who looked pissed. Just a moment ago, he thought of her as so joyful. Lily and Remus hurried down towards them, they too looked worried and a little bit confused.

"What happened?" Lily asked all business.

"Black tried to harass me, see he thought that he could force me to have sex with him," calmly said Alex, it was like magic – she was all-calm now.

"What?!" exclaimed Lily. "And you dare to stand here?" now she turned to Sirius, "Do you have any shame? Get out of here before I hex you into next century!" Oh, Evans. Sirius sometimes got why James liked her so much.

"Lily, not..." Alex tried to calm down her.

"And you are protecting him? He tried to rape you!" Lily was outraged.

"Lily, stop! It was Regulus Black not Sirius," her voice was still calm, it looked like she even enjoyed this misunderstanding.

"Ah," Lily blushed crimson.

"I forgive you Evans," arrogantly said Sirius. Lily glanced at him quite angrily and then looked at Alex.

"Are you okay?" softly asked Lily.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I broke his nose. He suffered more than I did," she said with a smile.

"You broke his nose?" James exclaimed completely not believing Alex's words.

"Yes," mumbled Alex. "Let's go inside the carriage," suggested Alex, and so they went.

"Looked cool," James could not contain his excitement and Alex just laughed very quietly. Sirius could not agree more – that was amazing.

Many hours later, there was silence in the carriage because almost everyone was asleep. Lily and Remus went back to their prefect carriage, but Marauders stayed with Alex. They wanted to make sure that she was safe. Although Sirius knew that Remus was friends with Alex, and it would be unfair if they just would left Alex alone after all that.

Alex head was pressing against the glass and she was sleeping. Sirius was sitting in front of her and watcher her. Being so close to her, he noticed that Alex's arms were covered in small scars. One big scar started just above elbow and continued up her arm disappearing under her T-shirt sleeve. He was very surprised; he did not believe that Alex did this to herself. And he couldn't imagine someone else doing that to her.

Scars. They did not suit her. Alex was so joyful and energetic; she was a good person, source of happiness to anyone. Then why? He looked at her neck; there was two unhealed and very deep scars. He could not see them before because her hair was covering them, but now he saw them very clearly. Breath caught in his lungs.

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