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Sleeping so soundlessly, you either wondered if you should wake up or not. Not knowing what day it is, you started to drift off to sleep.. Until you jumped out of bed and looked at your calendar still half asleep with anxiety.



" Oh... It's S-Saturday.. " Sighing in relief, as you walked to your bed and fell on top of it; realizing you weren't drowsy anymore, you went to do your morning business and after getting ready, you grabbed your book and left a note by the fridge to tell you're mom that you're going out.

You walked through Tokyo and tried to find a café and luckily, you stumbled upon one. The name of the café was called "Anteiku." Curious, you decided to walk into the café.

"Hello there, I'll have your table in a jiffy."
A young woman who's one of her bangs is on one side of her face and showed you to your table and you ordered a cup of coffee. You started to read your book and then the waiter came back. Expect it wasn't the girl anymore. It was the white haired guy you bumped into a few days ago.



A deep silence went between you until you finally spoke.
"U-um.. Kaneki..? You work here?"

"Part time, I guess. Nice meeting you again, Miss [Your name]" He smiled cutely making your heart skip a beat.

"L-likewise." You replied with a smile.

"Oh, here's your coffee that you ordered" he handed you the freshly made coffee.

"Thank you" You smiled and continued drinking your coffee when Kaneki interrupted.

"U-um.. Is that [Favorite book's name]?" He questioned with glee in his eyes.

You smiled "Yes! How did you know?" And you drank your coffee again.

"Well [Your name]-chan, I've read that book already. It was amazing!" He smiled brightly and you playfully scolded him.

"Don't tell me what happens, baka!"

You both giggled and he continued to tease you causing other customers to glance at the both of you. Embarrassed, you smiled until someone interrupted.

"Oi, Bakaneki. Are you slacking off? Idiot.. Get back to work." It was the waitress that seated you, and you and Kaneki smiled.

"Well, we'll chat later [Your name]-chan. Miss Touka-chan is calling me. Here, have my number." He grabbed a pen from his pocket and wrote down his number on a piece of small paper and handed it to you.

"Thanks, I'll call you later." You grabbed the piece of paper, drank your coffee, and left your change leaving the café.

• * ° • Time Skip • ° * •

By evening, you didn't know what to do so you decided to call Kaneki, because he probably got off work.


"Hey, um.. Who is this?" Kaneki sounded confused and you giggled.

"It's me, [Your name]" And heard a big 'ohhhh' from Kaneki and he laughed.

"Sorry about that [Your name]-chan, how are you?"

"Doing well, just happen to be bored. Hehe."

~ A Little After Later ~

"Ehh?? Really! Takatsuki Sen is also my favorite author too! She is so amazing.. I wish I could meet her!" You squealed not feeling embarrassed that Kaneki also likes your favorite author, Takatsuki Sen.

"I have to agree with you! I want to meet her one day. S-say.. A-are you busy tomorrow, [Your name]-chan?" Sounding flustered.

"Not at all. Why?" You asked.

"P-..Please go to the bookstore with me tomorrow?" He definitely sounded flustered making your heart flutter, and you feeling flattered that a boy who you both share the same similarities with wants to take you on a date.. Well, a bookstore date!

"I definitely will! What time and where do we meet?"

"10:00 AM sounds good? Let's meet by the park that's close to the city." Kaneki said with excitement.

"Sounds great! Well, it was nice talking to you. Thank you! Good night."

He replied. "Good night [Your name]-chan." And you both hung up. You couldn't help but squeal, jump on your bed and blush until your door opened revealing your mom with a facial mask.

"A-AH! M-mom you scared me!!" Surprised and falling onto your bed.

"[Your name], you are supposed to be sleeping! It's already 12:00!!" And she shut your door making a small crescendo.

So you turned off the light and started giggling and smiling until you fell asleep very excited and blissful.

Kaneki x Reader | A Forbidden RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now