Cole could feel her thumbs rub against his back as she kept her hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah," he replied as he placed a hand on top of hers. "You must be Aloy."

"Dat I be," she replied as she removed her hands from his shoulders allowing him to turn around. His eyes widened... "What's with dat look? Ya like what ya see?"

[Psst, pretend there's a magenta bow around the back of her neck and her lips are black

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[Psst, pretend there's a magenta bow around the back of her neck and her lips are black.]

"I mean... I'm just surprised to see you, Aloy."

The others were smiling so hard their smile muscles were starting to hurt. Aloy was being extra "playful" today with Cole.

"By what? 'ow I'm actin' or my appearance?"

Truth be told, he thought Aloy was going to be this very pink girl like... her clothes would be pink, her hair would be pink, etc. He wasn't gonna admit it though.
"I guess... everything."

Aloy chuckled as she sat next to him.

"Glad ta see dat ya met my gang a misfits," she said while unpacking her lunch. "Glad dat Jay won't be as lonely anymore. Not ta mention dat Wolf 'n' Falcon seem interested in ya dat I know a."

"So that wolf WAS a part of The Die! Wait... one of them is a werewolf?"

The others laughed besides Nya, Jay, and Zane.

"Wolf is not a werewolf," said Zane while Kai, Lloyd, and Aloy were collecting themselves. "Werewolves are mythical creatures that are only wolves on nights with a full moon. Wolf can be a wolf whenever he pleases and Falcon is a robot."

Eyes shot towards Zane filled with shock. Cole sighed.

"Okay... Let me get this straight," he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Falcon is a robot and everyone else are not were-whatever their animal is even if they can shapeshift into their animal forms?"

"Not exactly..."
Cole opened his eyes as he stared at Lloyd.
"Only Falcon can look like a real bird, but if you ask me, he's cheating since he can program himself to do something like that since the others turn into whatever they wear. Like if Tigress wore green, she'd be a green tiger."

Zane chuckled.

"Not to mention that they have special powers!" Kai beamed. "Like Fox, he can light himself on fire!"

"Or how Dragon uses energy to blast his opponents!" said Lloyd.

"Then there's Axolotl with her water powers," said Nya.

"And Wolf with his lightning!" Jay added.

"Plus Falcin's ice 'n' Tigress' reality bendin' ability," purred Aloy as she used her chopsticks for her sushi. "It's a shame dat Tigress c'n only do so much. I've 'eard rumors claimin' dat she could take ova da world if she wanted ta... Even if she quickly shut dem down, dose rumors still fly like ashes in da wind..."

To say that Cole felt uncomfortable about The Die would be an understatement... not to mention...

"This is kinda confusing," said Cole as he processed the info that was just dumped on him. "A gang that's made up of half-human half-animal folk plus a robot with powers that kill in the name of some kind of twisted justice? I'll have to see them in action to believe them."

"Careful whatcha wish fer, Shar-Cole..."


"Dey're a gang. If dey see ya as somethin' useful or a potential threat, somethin'll 'appen... Maybe one'll appear at your 'ouse?... Wish one would ya like?..."

All eyes were on Cole curious as to who he'd pick... No, no... Cole wasn't uncomfortable at all...

"Um... whoever is the nicest?... Maybe Wolf since I think I saw him?..."

"Wolf's great!" said Jay with a comforting smile. This helped Cole calm down a little... "From what I've heard, he's pretty nosy so he probably knows you're a good guy already!"

"You do realize that by saying that, you've made me feel uncomfortable to be at home, right?"

"I'm sorry... What I meant was that... uh... Oh! He observes those who aren't a threat to him or his peers. I know they mean no harm to you, Cole! We've studied them and you don't fit their watch list."

Cole felt a little better, but...

How would Cole make sure that he's safe when The Die seems to be watching his every move?...


Word Count: 1331...

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