I won the bet!

Depuis le début

Aizawa was shaking his head while also holding the bridge of his nose.

Once Mic realized that it was us, he immediately went and began helping us up and down the chair. Recovery Girl was also in the room. She immediately came towards us and began to check us over before asking the one question we dreaded.

Recovery Girl: Okay, who's idea was this?

Me: HIS!

Dabi: HIS!

We both pointed at each other. Aizawa saw that happening and came over us. once Nezu heard and saw our reactions he began laughing even more.

Aizawa: The vent part sounds like something you came up Izu. I am also pretty sure Dabi don't even know where the entrance of the vent is not even to mention in which room we are in.

Me: Fair point.

Aizawa: As for the idea coming here. Dabi, you wanna tell us something?

Dabi: Nope.

Aizawa: House arrest for a week both for both of you!

Mic: What are you guys even doing here?

Me: Don't look at me like that! I wasn't the o e wanting to come here in the first place!

Mic: But you are here, aren't you!

Me: Undeniable.

Nezu: How about we let this go just this one.

Power Loader: How did you guys even know where we were?

Nezu: Oh I'm sure our dear Izuku over there hacked into our system and found it out that way.

Dabi: He hit the nail right on top of it.

Nezu: Since you guys are here that can only mean one thing... You desperately wanted to tackle one of my tests yourself.

Dabi: What No!

Me: I don't mind that.

Dabi: No Izu!

Me: It can't be that bad!

Power Loader: Not that bad he says. I am sure I lost a bit of my lifespan right there

Vlad King: Not only you.

Snipe: We get this test every year. You could have known that and gotten ready for it.

Thirteen: It still is hard but doable.

Nezu: Now, now, Don't be shy come here and take the test.

Aizawa and Mic began showing us to an empty space, then got us a pen and the test.

Nezu: Alright! You got an hour time from now on.

Just looking at the question I was struck dumbfounded. All these questions were not hard at all. They were tricky but not hard per definition.

The moment I started to fill them all out I came up on multiple question.

How detailed does he want the answer?

Is it okay to just write the answer without the solution path?

Should I write more than that?

I can even write him down how the theses works.

Would that be too much though?

Nezu: Is there any problem Izuku?

He might have seen me over thinking the whole situation or it was the fact that I just force or maybe I mumbled again. Whatever it was I was thankful for that.

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