Part 4

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Yoongi: By the way. Was I too rough?

He asked, completely concerned.

Y / N: No, it's just a bit sore down there.

Yoongi: You think you can walk?

Y / N: I can.

You said confidently. Yoongi handed you his hoodie as you wore it. You then tried to stand but fell after feeling a strong pain in your lower abdomen. You groaned as Yoongi laughed instead.

Yoongi: I told you baby. Let me help you now.

He wore his bowers and came towards you. He picked you up in the bridal style which you least expected. But without complaining, you let it be. He took you to the washroom as he made you sit on the counter.

Yoongi: Wait here. I'll prepare the bathtub.

You nodded cutely which made him laugh. After a while, he was done while you were still drooling over his fine body.

Yoongi: Done staring?

He comes to you and pecks your lips before picking you up. He places you in the bathtub and helps you throughout.

*Time skip - The next day*

Yoongi was working in his studio while you were just roaming here and there in the house, bored. You thought of the trip to Paris again. Getting excited, you went to Yoongi's studio before knocking on it. "Come in" You heard, You went in with the least noise to not disturb him. Noticing you, he quickly put down his pen and came to you. He hugged your waist and made you sit on his lap.

Yoongi: Baby, help me write the lyrics.

Y / N: For what?

Yoongi: The new song I'm working on for Namjoon. We both are going to write the lyrics together for our unit.

Y / N: Oh ok. What's the song about?

On his chair, he brought you closer to his desk.

Yoongi: Here.

You focused on the lyrics and looked at them carefully.

"Girl, don't love me. I'll not be free.

Forever and ever and ever but never for you who has already masked herself blue while my mask stays red.

The line you drew already broke out of me and now the only one I have is a curved 'I'

But too afraid am I to break your heart? Ja-st kidding!

Let's go, let's go. I'll take you to another universe where I'll ask the me to be with you"

Y / N: Here. These are the only lyrics I could come up with for your rap. They aren't great but they have a deep meaning.

Yoongi: Can you explain it to me?

Y / N: So the lyrics talk about love. The line "...for you who has already masked herself blue while my mask stays red..." This means you both went through several heart breaks but the girl got over it while you didn't. Blue symbolises trust and she already gained trust for you. While red symbolises pain and that you are still not over your previous heartbreak. But you see the 'mask' part which means that she only has a blue mask which means under it, she's feeling something else while you also have a red mask only and under it you are feeling something else. "...The line you drew already broke out of me and now the only one I have is a curved 'I'..." means that she drew a line to connect you and her but since the heartbreak, the line cut and you have a tiny bit left which curved into an 'I'. The I represents that you have only yourself now. "But too afraid am I to break your heart? Ja-st kidding!" Over here you are about to leak your secret of your pain but after the question mark you say 'Ja...' which means 'yes' in German but to cover up your accident of leaking your secret, you add '-st kidding' which will make her think you are joking. "Let's go, let's go. I'll take you to another universe where I'll ask the me to be with you" means that you're taking her to the past universe where you stop your heartbreak from earlier and ask the past you to be with her so she'll be happy. That's it. 

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