Justin's P.O.V

The momment she started singing i knew i wanted to get 'Reid to sign her, she has such an amazing voice. She can hit the really high notes and the low ones so smoothly. Shes just dope, not many girls or many singings can transact from a high to low note that quick and make it sound so smooth. I look ever at Scooter and 'Reid, i try reading there body language. They love her. Scooter toned to 'Reid and told him something. im for sure now that there going to sign her. 

"wow that was amazing. " i say getting up and hugging her, her hugs where so meaningful, i really like them. "thank you." she says steping out of the booth. i follow her and we sit back down next to her friend Katey, Katey sounds pretty cool too, super nice chick. 

Maddie's P.O.V

WOW, that was super nerve-racking but so fun at the same time. "wow, wow, wow. that was amazing. now, L.a do you want to tell her or should i?" Scooter says. i have no idea what his trying to say. maybe i wasnt as good as i thought, omg i probaby just made a fool of myself.  "You have some amazing talent young girl. We would love to sign you." i freeze in shock. they want to sign me? omg im freaking out. "really? me? wow thank you so much. o my god." i say jumping up hugging everyone. "congratulations Maddie." Justin says hugging me tight rocking me side to side. "we have some forms, contracts you need to sign which you can do at Justins, there pretty long and you need to read though them all. and this would also mean you will have to move to LA. is this a problem?" Scooter asked. um no, i think for a secound. My mum and dad love Michigan. Maybe i could just move out here by myself. "im sure it wont be." i say. "well you better get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us tommorrow." 'Reid says  giving me another hug. "you can stay at my place the time your here so you dont have to stay at a hotel." Justin says getting up. We all walk outside and get into 2 cars. Katey, Justin and me with one bodyguard in one car and the rest of Justins team in other. 

When we get to Justins house its masive and so beautiful. I walk in and Justin leads Katey and I to a room each. Our bags are already there and everything is already put away. "thank you so much for everything it means so much too me, im so greatful." i say to Justin hugging him. after a few secounds he half pulls away from the hug, still holding my sides, looking into my eyes. Our nose's touch and Justin go's to kiss me. It didnt feel right, i mean me and Jack have just meet and where nothing but friends right now but after this weekend it doesn't feel right to kiss another guy. i pull away before he touch's his lips on mine and he looks at me confused. "sorry, i just can't. it just doesn't feel right." i say steping back. "its fine,i understand. plus we just met. um you should get some rest." He says hugging me again before walking back down stairs. I walk into my room and grab out my phone ,calling my mum with the news. 

"Maddie, im so proud of you, you have come so far." my mums says, i can hear in her voice that shes about to cry. "mum dont cry. you will see me heaps and i have to come back home anyway first." i say trying to calm her down. "Me and dad will flight out tonight. I want to meet thease people." she says, and i agree. We talk about it a little longer untill i remeber i havent called Jack yet. "mum i have to go, i have to call someone else." i tell her i love her and hang up, calling Jack right afterwoods. im not going to tell him about this hole thing only because i haven't signed anything yet and because im just not ready for everyone to know just yet. 

"hey beautiful, how's LA?" Jack says anwsering the phone. "amazing, so unreal. everything's so big and pretty here." i feel my heart rate go up, i have butterflys in my tummy. ahh why does he make me feel this way. We talk a bit about school and other general things. "o my god, i all most forgot to tell you that there was a fight at school today with Cameron and some other guy and Cameron got exspelled. people are saying his parents want to move and that they might move like 3 hours away this weekend for good." he says. joy runs though my body. "he wont be able to hurt you anymore beautiful." he continued to say. this is so amazing. "im actually so happy. thanks for filling me in." i say, Jack giggles a little and i feel my face redden, his so dam cute. I really like this guy. "what day do you get back?" he asks. "no sure yet. ill let you know when i do." We talk for another hour or so more and then we say our goodbyes. i get the big document from the side table in my room. wow, theres so much technical stuff in getting signed. i read the hole thing and sign where i need to. It took me hours but im so excited for my future. My life is acturly about to change.

i head down stairs and see Justin sitting on the couch on his phone. i sit next to him and we start talking about music, family and everything i need to no about the industry. We talked for hours. i cheak my phone for the time and its already 12am and im sure Katey is already asleep. "Im super tired, i think im going to go to bed." i say getting up. Justin agrees that his tired too and that he was going to bed too. "ill see you in the morning.night." he says before walking into his room, closing the door. i walk into my room getting changed into my pj's. I jump into bed and go on my phone cheaking twitter. 

@JustinBieber: had an amazing day with, @maddierobinson66 , shes about to hit the charts. Watch out for her. <3 xx

i tweet him back...

@maddierobinson66: It was an unreal day,Thank you for having me in your house and for giving me this amazing opportunity. <3 

My tweeter started blowing up, people asking if we where dating, people calling me slut, ugly, fat. To be honest it doesn't get to me.i know people are going to hate, i just dont care. i put my phone away and fall asleep. 

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