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Ian was sleep until Fiona came barging in the room and yelling at Ian to get up. Ian opened his eyes and looked at her. "What??" Ian groaned. "You have court today! Get up!" Fiona yelled. Ian put the pillow over his head. Fiona rolled her eyes and walked over to him, took the pillow from him and hit him with it. "Up, now." She said. Ian rolled his eyes as Fiona left the room. He got out of bed and saw that it was only 5:30 am, and the first court session begins at 8am. He stretched then went into the bathroom.

Ian looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. He turned on the water and wet his face. It had been two days already. It felt like he hadn't seen Mickey in forever, and he couldn't stop thinking about him. But the Gallagher's were always with him making him laugh and smile.

Ian ran his hand through his hair and wiped off his face as he walked downstairs. Debbie and Liam were already awoke and eating. "Morning Ian." Debbie smiled at Ian. "Morning Debs" Ian smiled back and walked over to the coffee maker. He poured himself some coffee and took a sip of it. "Here, eat some food." Fiona handed him a plate. "You take your meds?" Fiona asked him.
Ian nodded "yeah, of course." But truth is.. he hadn't taken them since he was arrested. It wasn't on purpose he just stopped and there was a lot going on. He didn't want to be medicated.

Carl then walked downstairs, "mmm pancakes!" He smiled as he jumped down the stairs. He went and grabbed a plate. "You should go get dressed Ian." Fiona looked at Ian who sat at the table eating. "Now?" He asked. "Yes, it's 6:00."

Ian nodded and brung his plate to the sink and went upstairs. Fiona and V had went to the store yesterday and bought Ian this suit. Ian didn't want to put it on yet, so he just sat on his bed. He took out his phone and just stared at it. No new messages, or notifications. I wonder how Mickey is.. Ian opened his contact and looked at the last message Mickey had sent.

"coming home got something 4 u" Ian sighed as he looked at the call button. He knew Mickey wouldn't answer but he just wanted to try. Ian clicked the phone and put it up to his ear. His closed is eyes as the phone rang. ... voicemail. "Damn it." Ian whispered to himself. He got up and grabbed his suit. Might as well put it on now.

Now 7:00 am everybody was downstairs ready to leave. Ian was in the bathroom. For the last time in a long time would he be here again. He sighed as he looked at his reflection. He wanted to cry but he couldn't. "Guess this is it." He said softly. He fixed his tie before leaving the bathroom.

Walking downstairs he could see, Fiona, V, Kev, Lip, Debbie, Carl & Liam. Well and Frank but he was blacked out. Everybody was actually here. They all smiled when they saw him walk downstairs. "Come on already" Carl rolled his eyes. Ian laughed and walked over to them. Fiona looked at Ian and you could see the tears in her eyes. She hugged him tighter than she had ever done. "Let's go." She whispered.

They all left the house.

Quick note: don't correct me if any of this is wrong, it might be because this is just a fan fiction not realistic stuff. •

"First order in the court!"

Ian walked into the court room and his heart was racing, his hands trembling. But he imagined Mickey holding them and telling him it was okay because he was right next to him.

Ian walked up to the podium. He sat his hands down on it and soon they stopped trembling. He could feel his family behind him.

"State wants to Charge Ian Gallagher with first degree murder over James Pollman, and with second degree murder on innocent civilians of Chicago." "You may speak."

One of plaintiff's came forward. "Your honor, Ian Gallagher cold bloodily murdered over 6 people and got away with it with just a trip to the mental health exhibit." More talking...

"Defendant speak your case."

Ian took a deep breath. "Your honor, I did something terribly wrong and there's nothing I can do to fix that, I murdered someone out of revenge and I ruined so many peoples lives, including mines." Ian hesitated. "But the truth is I am Bipolar and I have a disease that can not be fixed. I was off my medication at the time of the happenings and I was not in the right state of mind at all. I was manic and on a break at the time, so in that case I plead not guilty due to reason of insanity."

"Your honor, He's a serial killer!" The plaintiff spoke up. "He can't just use the disorder as an excuse!"

"Your honor, I have dealt with this disorder for half of my life. I have hated myself and everybody around me. I had done things you could not imagine, but I just seem to lose sight of it all. I get so pulled around it's like I'm in a different universe at times then it's like I'm not here at all." Ian felt his hand shake. "But my family has been there for me through this whole thing. They have not rejected me and have completely understood me." He looked back at the gallaghers as tears filled his eyes.

"I hate to think of the things I did and I would take everything back if I could." Ian held in his tears.

The juror put her hand on her gavel and waited. "3 years in prison with possible parol. Case dismissed."

All the Gallagher's smiled and ran up to Ian, Ian smiled back at them. They all gave in one big hug. "Love you guys." Ian whispered.

"Love you guys."

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