What I Wish For..

Start from the beginning


"Did your mother teach you stuff too?"

But as Rei noticed Kaori's expression change, she instantly regretted asking the question. "O-Oh! I'm sorry-,"

 "It's okay!" Kaori' s expression returning to normal, "She did teach me something though...the one thing that I do remember about her. "

"O-Oh really?"

Kaori nodded, smiling at her teacher. "That I should always keep a smile on my face."


As Kaori walked outside of the school, she looked around. She then spotted the person she was looking for and called out their name.


The boy, Atsushi Nakajima, turned towards her with a smile. He had gray hair, with a white suit and long black belt, with green eyes that had a hint of purple in it. Kaori ran towards him and hugged him tightly. 

"Hey Kaori-chan! How was school?"

"Good! I wanna go to a second grade class soon!" 

Atsushi sighed, "How about you stay here for awhile first.." 

"Ehh? But Ranpo-kun said, 'If it's boring then go beyond!', I'm bored with the first grade work already." She pouted. 

"You started today though!"

"I know! Which is why I wanna leave it soon!" 

Atsushi shook his head and patted her on the head, "Stay for a few more weeks...then maybe Dazai-san will request your teachers for you to move up."

Kaori nodded, "Okay!" She then took Atsushi's hand as they started walking. Everyday after school, Kaori would go to her father's workplace, The Detective Agency. It was full of skill users who use their powers to deal with issues that the government can't handle.

She loved everyone there. They always treated her with respect, and have all taught her something unique.

Ranpo had taught her how to use her deduction skills, and understand situations with only little info on it. He also taught her about the Government and almost everything political and military related. 

Kenji had taught her all about farm fields, and how to grow plants. He also taught her how to fix things like pipes, gardens, and how to deal with animals.

Yosano had taught her about medical things. Such as what you should do for certain patients. How to do certain procedures. What to do if someone near her gets injured. Things like that.

Tanizaki and Naomi had taught her basic school things that they remembered. Tanizaki also taught her about spying skills, and how to be stealthy. Then Naomi showed her how to use computers.

Kunikida showed her and taught her every single thing he knew. From acadmics to how to fight. He also taught her how to keep towards a schedule.

Kyouka taught her a few assassin skills. Although she made sure not to teach her the deadly ones, only those that could help her out when it came to defending herself.

Atsushi on the other hand didn't have much to teach her. He taught her how to write a few things and how tompay for things. But he was also one of the only people who Kaori learned how to cook from. Which was something Kaori loved doing.

Then finally her father, Dazai. Basically anything that the others didn't teach her he taught. He even taught her how to plan ahead and use her head while in a battle or situation.

(Osamu Dazai x Reader) The Choice...(SEQUEL)Where stories live. Discover now