Chapter 1

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Almost there.

She strained harder.


Her feet shook against the amount of weight she put on it but she wasn't having it.


Finally being able to touch the edge of the book, she pulled it out in a swift motion before landing painfully on her behind.


How much she disliked her height!

Scrambling for her glasses, she put her hands out in a blind search. After years of groaning and grasping air, she finally was able to grasp the frame of the zebra patterned glasses.

Victoria fondled with it, careful not to break it as she placed it on the bridge of her slim, pointed nose.

All she wanted at the moment, was to curl up in her bed, and settle with the John Grisham book she'd been longing to read all week.

But of course! As though the universe was against her -like always- the sun shined brighter and the rays seeping into the room became harsher, blocking her vision.


She turned over roughly, trying to get the sun out of her line of sight. This caused her leg to hit the wooden frame of the bed, the spot immediately turning a bright red.

She blew out a frustrated breath.

What did I ever do?!

Being a person living with albinism had always been an err...inconvenience. Yes, inconvenience...she preferred to put it that way. Wherever she went, she turned heads. Not because she was popular or something.

Popular? Not in a million years!

But because of the colour of her skin.

The stares she got, the hate, the insults. It never seemed to cease. One way or the other, she always seemed to be the laughing stock, the victim. She was almost used to it. Almost. That was why she resorted to hiding behind a wall and pushing the world out.

Books had always been a source of comfort to her. They shielded her away from prying eyes and mocking smiles. She'd rather have her nose in a book than sit through a conversation. She'd figured that out after the failed attempt she had at conversation with some other girls at her previous school.

Her eyes drifted to the front cover of the book and slowly a smile formed on her lips.

Finally! She stood against all odds! She survived the apocalypse! She succeeded! She was finally going to settle and read this--

"Victoria!" A voice boomed across the house.

Ohhhh fudgebuckets!

What did I ever do to deserve this?!

"Ma! I'm coming." She managed to maintain a calm voice.

"Get down here!"

"Yes ma'am."

She could hear someone pacing back and forth at the foot of the stairs. Could she be more patient?

Do note the sarcasm.

"How many times do I have to call you before you reply me?!" The lady standing at the bottom of the staircase screeched.

Yes, screeched. Meet my aunt, guys.

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