Ch. 2 - FaceTime

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My phone's 6am alarm rudely awakens me. I turn it off and slowly sit up.

I unplug my phone from my charger and check my notifications, seeing several texts from friends, a couple from my mom trying to confirm family dinner plans for Thursday, and matches I've gained from different dating apps.

I text my mom, letting her know that I will be over Thursday night for dinner with Lea. My mom adores Lea so she always has a spot at the table for her.

After texting my mom, I go straight to one of the dating apps. I scroll through my matches and decide on who I should message. I also look through replies and of course I come across a message from Jimin.


Mister 'Seems Too Perfect' least in my mind.

I can't believe he replied to me.

Why am I so nervous about reading his reply?!

I suck it up and open up our conversation.

Hey, Y/N! I was hoping we'd match and I'm delighted to see your message. To be honest, your photos caught my eye. Not just because you're eye-catching, which I can't lie and say that you're not, because you are beautiful. That might sound too forward of me considering this is my first message to you, but I just had to be honest. Anyway, you posted a picture of you in front of a temple* that is actually in the city where my parents are from, Busan. I think it's awesome you've been there. Also, judging from your brief bio, I really do want to get to know you more. And, you mentioned you can make kimchi jjigae?! Well, I guess I'll be bothering you with messages for a while because you're definitely making me some of that someday! And, I can cook for you in return!

I hope you don't mind this long message.

And, since I'm sending this message so late at night, I assume you'll be reading this in the morning. I hope you have a great day, Y/N.

I read it a couple more times, analyzing every word, and yes...

This guy really sounds too perfect.

I know I shouldn't put a man on a pedestal, but he's already checking off a lot of the qualities I look for in a significant other. You can't blame me for not believing this guy actually exists.

I swear, if I'm being catfished...then the joke's on me, because I'm totally replying!

Good Morning, Jimin! Your reply has definitely made the start of my Monday morning less mundane. If you're being honest, I should be, too... I think it takes a handsome man to spot someone beautiful. I have to admit you're insanely photogenic. I couldn't help but check out your Instagram. Your photographer friend is really talented and seems to know your best angles. I couldn't stop looking at the photos he took of you. I hope that's not too much for me to admit. Oh, and speaking of pictures, the one of me in front of the Beomeosa Temple was from a couple years ago, when my family and I traveled to Busan the summer after I graduated college. My step-mom, who I consider and call my mom, is from there as well! We've visited a couple other times when I was younger since she has a lot of family there! I would love to visit other parts of South Korea that I haven't been to! Oh, and if you keep messaging me, I guess I will have to make you that jiggae. I can also cook other Korean dishes. Maybe we can cook together.

By the way, I enjoy long messages.

And, I really hope you have a great day, as well, Jimin!

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