Men's Royal Rumble - Pt 4

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The last part of the Rumble. What will happen? Who will win? Let's just refresh your memories of who's left standing...

1. Jericho
7. Bryan
15. Rico
16. Hardy
24. Rosario
26. Riddle
27. Balor
28. Styles
30. Luke

Elim Leaderboard @ end of part 3 (still in only):
1. Rico Rhodes - 4
1. Luke Rhodes - 4
2. Daniel Bryan - 2
3. Chris Jericho - 1
3. Jeff Hardy - 1
3. Matt Riddle - 1
3. Shawn Rosario - 1

And we pick up action here with Entry Number 31!

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... *Buzzer*

And in his Third Royal Rumble Match, it's Aleister Black! The Ominous man from Amsterdam, The Dutch Destroyer, the Dragon from the Darkness, and many more names we know him by.

"One of the most dangerous strikers in WWE for good reason!" -Cole

"Damn right, Michael Cole! We're talking about Aleister Black! A Former United States Champion, One half of the RAW tag team champions, and not to forget, a Recent world title contendor!" -McAfee

Black into the ring, Knee strike to Bryan! Now sets up for what I think is a Suplex... No! It's A Knee to the face! A Gourdbuster GTS By Black! And I think Hardy is out cold! Rolls under the ropes, Joins Jericho and Balor on the outside floor, still in the match. In the Meantime, Rico backed Styles into a corner and almost got the Elimination, but Black with the rear Roundhouse Kick, making the save. Now Riddle looking to push Bryan over the top, no luck. And Luke Rhodes rolls under and is unloading on Finn Balor! Balor defenseless! Luke pops him up, RHODESIDE BOMB ONTO THE BARRICADE! The Pop-up Last Ride that he calls a Rhodeside Bomb, And Balor has barely moved since! Now turns his attention to Hardy! Luke takes a steel chair sets it up... and nowOG He's got Hardy up, and OH MY GOD! BRAINBUSTER THROUGH THE CHAIR! HARDY'S GOTTA BE OUT! And now back into the ring, Black goes for Black Mass and misses, Rhodes dodges and what a Double Clothesline! Black and Luke take each other out!

"To go back to what Pat said about Black being a world title contender, For those who don't know, Aleister Black was involved in that Main Event Fatal Four way TLC match at said TLC pay per view that saw Cesaro defeat Black, Roman Reigns, and Otis to win the title from the Tribal Chief!" Michael Cole.

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Speaking of the Tribal Chief! Here comes Roman Reigns! 2 time Universal Champion, and The Head of The Table!

Reigns and Bryan haven't taken their eyes off each other Yet. AND WOAH! BRYAN TOSSED OUT BY ALEISTER BLACK! Daniel Bryan Never saw it coming. Black just Tosses him out when he focuses too much on Roman, and Bryan pays for it. And now Reigns locks in the Guillotine! Reigns the Guillotine to Bryan and Daniel passes out! Reigns into the ring, Spear to Rico! Goes for a Spear to Luke, And Rhodes hurdled Roman! What athleti- OH! Luke got caught with a Black Mass! He ran Right into it! And Reigns spears Black! And now A Superman Punch to Styles! But it's Riddle with a sneak attack on Reigns! And now, the Clock ticks down.

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... *Buzzer*

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