Men's Royal Rumble - Pt 2

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To recap, the superstars currently in the ring are:

1. Chris Jericho
2. Sheamus
4. Dolph Ziggler
7. Daniel Bryan
8. Johnny Gargano
10. Big E

Elim leaderboard (a plus symbol means still in the match)
1. Daniel Bryan - 2+
2. Big E - 1+
2. Jey Uso - 1


And we continue this 40 Man Royal Rumble Match as the clock counts down to number 11!

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... *

"The Architect! The Messiah! The Visionary! Seth! Freakin! Rollins! Is in the rumble match!" -Graves

"Rollins, the man who won the 2019 Royal Rumble, Came in 3rd last year, but was eliminated by Edge shortly after eliminating Braun Strowman and Christian. Rollins entered 29th last year, 30th in 2020, and he won the rumble from the 10 slot, so something tells me Rollins knows what it takes to win this match from this position!" -Cole

"Unlike 2019, Michael Cole, Seth Rollins had a kid and then decided to get Batshit crazy every time he saw Cesaro, then He got His Guts Speared out by Edge at 2021 Summerslam, and what's worse, he was absolutely destroyed by Orange Cassidy of AEW at the AEW vs WWE charity Event! I mean, worse for Seth. I thoroughly Enjoyed calling my first Cassidy match and seeing Seth get an ass whooping, Sloth style." -Pat

Meanwhile, Rollins into the ring, Immediately A ripcord knee to Gargano! Now Rollins hammering away at Sheamus, But the Irishman fighting back! And- Oh! Thumb to the Eye by Rollins! Shin strike, And Now the STOMP to Shemus! Wow, what a sequence by the Visionary!

Big E delivers an Overhead Belly to belly to Jericho. Now one for Gargano! And One for Brya- no, Bryan lands on his feet, RUNNING KNEE!! What a counter by The Savvy vet, Daniel Bryan!

"He's a 5x World champion and that kind of Killer instinct, that awareness, that Lethality is what kept Bryan successful for so long. Oh, and the massive Yes Movement. That's a part of it too." -McAfee

Rollins now FALCON ARROW! Plants Ziggler, middle of the ring! Dolph, Writhing in pain as if He shattered his back or something.

"And Dolph Ziggler is... uh..." -Graves

"...Being a Drama Queen? Yes, Corey, we know." -Pat McAfee *The Certified Legend*

And it's time for number 12!

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... *Buzzer*

And it's the Man who recently has had some doors open for his career, it's the Prince of Parkour, John Morrison!

And Now Morrison into the ring, Keep in mind, Now that Miz is managing Morrison, he's picked up some momentum lately with wins against Humberto Carillo, Mustafa Ali, and a Trio of Wins over a very cocky Angel Garza.

That's right, Morrison beat Garza for The right to enter the rumble yesterday on the a match that was Released to YouTube by the official WWE YouTube channel late yesterday afternoon.

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