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"Hey, Grace. Sit down. Dinner will be done in a few." Darry says.

I look around the room. Ponyboy wasn't around. "Where's Ponyboy?" I ask.

"He had to meet up with someone, he'll be around soon." Sodapop says continuing to play cards with Steve and Two.

"Meet up with who?" I ask.

"Someone named, S-Ch-Cherry, I think. Oh yeah, Cherry Valance. Red hair, smokin' bod. A real babe, if you ask me." Soda says.

"Wow, thanks for the boost of confidence." I say sitting down next to Dally.

"Y-Yeah, well you know you're way better than her. You have to be, she's a Soc and you're a Greaser. Makes you automatically better." he says with a smirk.

"Mhm." I say bluntly laying my head on Dally's shoulder.

"Hey kid." he says.

"Why are we here? And don't say for dinner. What are we gonna talk about?" I ask.

"Well... you'll see." he says.

I look at him with suspicion. I then ignore it and watch TV, of course Mickey Mouse was on. "Hey, don't lose your shit when Ponyboy comes back." Dally whispers.

"We'll see." I say.

He rolls his eyes. He knew I was gonna lose my shit. About an hour later, no Ponyboy. Darry called us over for dinner, we couldn't wait on him anymore. We started eating and about another hour later Ponyboy walks through the door. I had my back turned, but everyone saw him walk through and immediately looked at me. "What?" I asked.

Dally pointed his head at the door. I turned around and saw Ponyboy. I quickly got up and dragged him outside, the gang followed. "Two hours! Two hours you've been with Cherry!" I yelled.

"Who told you?!" he shouted back.

"M-My bad... I didn't know I wasn't suppose to." Soda said.

Ponyboy rolled his eyes. "It wasn't like that, Grace!" he yelled.

"Sure it wasn't like that." I reply. "Is she a better kisser than me?" I ask.

"I didn't kiss her!" he yelled.

"You know, you're such a jerk. I don't know why Johnny wanted us together." I say.

"Don't say that! I didn't do anything!" he said again.

"I don't believe you! You were suppose to go on a date with her, but couldn't because Johnny killed Bob. You finally got your alone time with her. Why wouldn't you kiss her? She's pretty, rich, drives a mustang, and she's not a greaser like me." I say.

"Stop talking like that!" Ponyboy yells.

"God, I wish I would've went the night Johnny did." I say.

"Shut your trap you kid!" Dally yells trying to break through the gang.

"Don't you dare say those words again! If you went with Johnny that night I might lose my mind. Besides him, you're the only person I had. You're the girl I'm in love with, you're the girl I want to love forever. Cherry don't got nothing on you, you hear me?!" he yells.

Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now