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Yep. It was the bug rumble. Ponyboy got to fight after all. The whole gang was there, some of which I never met before. I was standing next to Ponyboy and squeezing the life out of his hand, I know he was in pain, but he acted like he wasn't. I look at Darry, Sodapop, Two-bit, and Steve. They all smile at me and give me a look like 'Are you ready?' I nod my head yes.

Finally, we see a bunch of headlights come up. It was mustang, after mustang. The Soc's walk out. "There are know girl Soc's here." Ponyboy whispers in my ear pulling me to him.

"It's fine, I can fight a boy. I'm pretty tough." I say back.

He smiles and kisses me. We turn our heads to Darry seeing him and one of the Soc's saying they're fighting each other. The rumble was all trash talk, no one hit, until out of nowhere someone was jumping over a fence and running to us. "Can't start this rumble without me!" Dally yelled.

That's when it started. Ponyboy took a punch to the face, as he was caught of guard. Someone tried to punch me, but I ducked, something Pony should've done. The rumble went on from there. I got punched in my shoulder multiple times, it hurt so fucking bad, but I couldn't let the Soc's know that was my week spot. I ended body slamming someone and saw Pony looking at me with a smile, I winked at him then ran off to fight another Soc. Out of nowhere the Soc's run off and I hear Dally cheering. He quickly stops and gets me and Ponyboy.

We got pulled over for speeding. Of course, Dally lied his way out of it, and we were on the way to the hospital. We got to the hospital and Johnny wasn't doing so well, it hurt to see him like this. "Hey Johnny, how you holding up?" I ask.

"I'm not so good, but why is your face all bloody." he asks.

"Best thing, we won the big rumble." Ponyboy says.

"I don't know why y'all fight it's so u-useless... I..." Johnny stopped talking.

"Johnny? Johnny? Johnnycake?!" I asked shaking him.

"I-I love you, G-Grace." he stutters.

"No... don't you dare die on me!" I yell tears running down my face.

"P-Ponyboy... s-stay g-g-gold." he says closing his eyes and taking his last breathe.

"Johnny? This isn't funny." Dally says shaking him.

Johnny doesn't move or say anything.

"No!" I scream breaking down on the floor.

Ponyboy kneels down and wraps his arms around me, he was crying too. "Wake up! Wake up! Johnny wake up please! You can't leave me! I'll be alone!" I screamed.

Ponyboy struggled to pull me out of the room. I couldn't walk. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything. I passed out. The last thing I heard was Ponyboy yelling for a nurse.

Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now