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"What was that?" Soda asked as we got into the car.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You kissed Grace!" he says.

I start to blush at the sound of her name. The sound of her name made me forget about everything that has happened these past few days. She's one special girl. "On the head, not an actual kiss." I say.

"You kissed her good bye though. That like a couple thing." Sodapop says flashing his grand celebrity smile.

That makes me blush even harder. I try to hide it though, I don't need the whole gang to know I'm swooning over Grace Winston.


"Grace?" a voice called.

I look over and see Steve. He has a pretty worried and upset look on his face. I stand up and go to him. "Hey." I say hugging him.

"What the hell we're you thinking? Going into a fire like that. You could've gotten yourself killed!" he whisper shouts.

"I know, I know, but I can't imagine a world without Johnny, I'm sorry." I say sliding my hands off of him.

"Grace... Winston!" a nurse calls.

"That's me." I say.

"You can come see Dally now." she says.

"What about Johnny?" I ask.

"No visitors allowed yet, I'm sorry." she says taking me to Dally's room.

I walk in to see him fussing with a nurse. "Get out here! Get out of here you bum! You can't tell me what to do!" he yells.

The nurse walks out and I go to his bed. I sit down beside him. "H-Hey sister. You know about the big rumble tomorrow night?" he asks.

"No..." I said with suspicion.

"Well, the Greasers and Soc's are fighting tomorrow. Everyone's mad about Johnny and Bob." he says.

"Oh, are you gonna let me fight?" I ask.

"Of course... not." he says.

"Then why are you telling me? C'mon Dally! You know I'm tough, you know I can do it. Please Dally." I beg.

"Alright, alright! Quit your winning and leave me alone, I want sleep." he says.

I smile and walk out of his room. "Why you smiling?" Steve asks.

"Dally's gonna let me fight in the big rumble tomorrow night." I say with a huge smile.

"Really?! That's amazing!" he says putting his arm around me and walking out of the hospital.

Me and Steve go over to the Curtis house. We walk right in and sit down. "I have an announcement!" Steve says.

Everyone's attention goes on him. "Grace... will be joining us in the big rumble tomorrow night!" he says shaking me.

"See Darry! Even Grace is doing it! C'mon! Let me do it!" Ponyboy begs.

Ponyboy CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now