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"Wake up! I gotta get to work and I don't want you alone, you gotta get to the Curtis' house!" Dally yelled, waking me up.

"I'm perfectly fine staying home alone." I say with my face still in the pillow.

"Get up! I'm not saying it again Grace." Dally said walking out of our room.

Me and Dally live on our own. Once our parents had me, they flaked, leaving Dally to raise me. They took all the money, leaving us with 2,000. That's how we ended up on the other side of town with the greasers. Dally didn't mind though, he loved getting into trouble. He's been to jail more times than I can count on my fingers. I followed right behind him though, I was in juvie when he was out of jail. That's the 'Winston' way I guess.

I got out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth at the same time I was brushing my hair. I put on some deodorant and some perfume Dally stole for my birthday. I rushed to our room and put on some black jeans, a graphic T, and our signature black leather greaser jacket. I slid on my black combat boots, and ran out the door. "Dally!" I yelled before he drove off to go to work. He stopped, annoyed with me. "Drop me off at the Curtis' on your way to work." I said getting into the car before letting him answer.

"Uh oh, bad news is here." Sodapop said pulling me into a hug.

"Haha, very funny." I said pushing him off of me.

I wasn't really a fan of hugging or any physical contact after our parents left. When they left it shattered me, Dally and I both changed, I wouldn't say for the better though.

"Who wants to go slash some tires with me?" I ask plopping myself onto the couch next to Pony and Johnny.

"Ooh, sounds fun." Two-bit says from the kitchen.

I ignore him. "What about you, quiet?" I ask looking at Johnny.

"No, no, you're too innocent, and boring to do something like that." I smirk.

"Leave him alone, Grace." Ponyboy says.

"Mmm, what about you, greasy?" I ask rubbing Ponyboy's hair.

He pushes my hand away and ignores me and goes back to talking with Johnny. Johnny didn't really associate with anyone but Pony. He was made for the greaser life, we just took in a lost puppy with home issues. I didn't judge him for that though. Yes, I said shit to him every now and then, but he knew I wasn't serious, because that was how mine and Dally's parents were. "You two fellas wanna come with me to the theatre tonight? I heard they're playing... Grease!" I say with a smile.

Ponyboy looks at me and smiles. "Sure, I'll ask Darry." he says getting up and walking to Darry.

I look over at Johnny. "Yeah, yeah. I'll come, my parents won't even notice I'm gone anyways." he says messing with hands.

I smile then walk over to Steve. "Hey, handsome." I say sliding my arm around his waist.

He puts his arm around me and lays his chocolatey lips onto mine. "Ew!" I exclaim pushing him off of me. "You're covered in chocolate." I add on.

He chuckles and puts some in my face. "Want some?" he asks mockingly.

I roll my eyes and push him into the wall. I look around and my eyes land on Darry and Ponyboy. "So, can he come?" I ask walking over to the two of them.

"You two got your switchblades?" he asks looking down at our hands.

We both whip it out, and he nods his head. I smile and go back over to Steve. "Going to movies, see ya later, you dirty greaser." I say smiling.

He smiles and pulls me in and smashes his lips into mine. I let out a laugh and go to meet Ponyboy and Johnny outside. "Where's your jacket?" I ask looking at Pony.

"Inside..." he says with a confused tone.

"So you're gonna go to the theatre, which is full of Soc's and not wear the signature greaser look?" I ask.

He sighs and we all walk back to the house. "Miss me already?" Steve asks.

I roll my eyes. "You wish." I reply following Pony upstairs to his room.

He quickly slips his jacket on and we leave.

We slip under the fence and I rip my shirt. "Shit!" I yell.

Johnny looks down at my shirt. "It's fine, it looks more badass anyways." he says.

I smile and put my arm around him. "You were always my favorite." I say.

"Yeah, yeah." he says rolling his eyes.

Ponyboy comes beside us and put my arm around him too. We walk to the theatre. We sit behind this two pretty gals. Cherry Valance, and her wanna be popular like her friend, Marcia. As soon as we sit down Cherry turns around. "Hey, Ponyboy." she said flashing a big smile.

He smiles back nervously, it made me sick to my stomach. They began talking, I don't know why bet jealousy ran through my body. "Sweetheart, we're for a movie, not your mouth." I say directed to Cherry.

She snaps her head at me. "What did you just say to me?" she asks.

"I think you heard me just fine." I reply with a smirk.

She gasps and turns back to Pony. "You're gonna let her talk to me like that Pony?" she says with that fake innocent voice.

I roll my eyes at the sound of it, trying to hide the fact she makes me want to barf. "Now, Grace. Don't you think you should apologize?" Ponyboy asks.

We stare at each other for a bit, until I finally give in. "Fine!" I say sharply, turning towards Cherry. "Cherry... I'm sorry." I say trying to hold back the attitude.

If that was anyone else telling me to apologize, I'd oughta' skin them alive, but I guess I have a soft spot for a certain Curtis boy. How could I not? His sweet smile, amazing personality, and- I cut myself off. Oh my god, Grace Winston, are you really swooning over a boy? Ponyboy of all people?! You need to go clear your head.

"I'm gonna get some more popcorn and cola. Anyone want something?" I ask.

"Could you get me some more cola?" Johnny and Pony ask.

I shook my head and got up to go get it. The line was soooooo long. It felt like I stood there for an eternity. This greaser and Soc fighting kept me entertained though. I got four cokes and some popcorn and headed back.

I hand Pony and Johnny their cola's and sit down. "Why'd you get four cokes? There's only three of us." Pony says.

"Glad you asked." I said standing up.

They looked at me confused. I stood up over Cherry and poured the extra cola on her head. She gasped and shot up from her seat. "You dirty greaser!" she exclaimed.

"Me? Dirty? You're the one covered in cola, Reddy." I say laughing.

Pony and Johnny look at me shocked. Pony stands up and hands her some napkins. "I'm sorry Cherry. You look like your freezing, here." he says handing her his jacket.

I stood there shocked. He handed a Soc a Greaser jacket. I stormed off, Johnny didn't know whether to stay or go. He ended up staying.

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