“Emma” Zoe frowned “I am sure!”

Robert raised his eyebrow “Emma? Our Emma? She would not put us…”

“Trust me, Robert! I just know it… she was not reliable…”

“I don’t know about that, Zoe….”

Taking a deep breath, the girl decided not to insist. So, she just squeezed his hand “I’ll come back” she smiled “With information and… food”

“Thanks, Zoe” The agent watched her as she sneaked away.

Away from there, Tom and Ed were desperate trying to get some kind of clue on their friends. But they could not find anything, at all.

Ed had quickly found them and picked them up, driving a small Interpol’s jet.

Emma stood in her corner all the time, crying and not daring to say a word.

That was until she felt Tom in front of her, with his furious expression, telling her to stand up.

“You are going to fix this” he coldly said

“Finally letting me do something?!” Emma replied

“Oh, you have made me really desperate” he spoke “We are going to control you, Ed is taking care of that”

Emma glanced at him, unsure

“You are going to get in contact with them, find them, and get undercover in there” Tom spoke “And you will get us a way in” he explained “And a way out, with everyone else”

Her eyes widened “Tom, I have no contacts! I don’t know how to contact them”

“Then how were you thinking of fixing your sh*t, exactly?” Ed spoke, coming out of nowhere

Emma’s jaw was still dropped as the men stared at her

“I don’t care. Reach them” Tom spoke “You did that once, you will do it again” he held her arm “And, you try any funny business, sweetie you will wish you had never born”

She abruptly released herself from his grip “Don’t need to threaten me, Tom!” she snapped


*a few days later*

“Oh, hello hello”

Robert opened his eyes to see Renner within his cell.

Had he fallen asleep again? Damn, what was going on with him?

“How did you find us?” he asked

Renner smiled, pulling a chair to sit in front of him “Dear, you almost ruined me once. I would not let you do that again, would I?”

“Where’s my daughter?”

Renner giggled “Somewhere… away from your reach”

His fists clenched “That will change”

“I cannot see how you will do anything, in that state, dear” she reached for his face “You’re hurt, pretty face”

He gulped “What’s your deal?”

“On you? Revenge, handsome one” she smiled “This is a great business… going on for years and years. Until you showed up”

He observed her intensely “You are not alone in this”

She frowned, with a insecure smile on her face “I am going to keep you locked up in seven keys, baby” she whispered, leaning to kiss him.

The agent obviously turned his face away “You should be the one getting the cocks, back in Aphrodite, nimpho…”

Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Where stories live. Discover now