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*One Year Later*

“Can we go to the beach, mom?” Theo ran into the kitchen, sitting to take his breakfast.

Belle smiled at her boy “I think we can do something like that, today. Will you come, mom?” she turned to Lisa.

“Oh, no, dear. I will stay around here”

“C’mon, grandma! Don’t be here alone!”

“I am not alone, our neighbor, Stacey, might come and we’ll have some tea”

“Are you sure?” Belle looked at her

“Of course, honey. Now go, enjoy the summer!”

“Let’s get ready, honey?” Belle stood up

“Just a minute, mommy!” Theo devoured his food

“Hey! Not that quick, you’ll choke” Lisa warned him.

Their life had become too peaceful, after they returned home. The story grew famous all over the world, and Belle would get calls every once in a while for interviews that she always refused. But it was worse in the beginning, also.

She had also received a good amount of money, as indemnity, which helped the family a lot. They no longer fought hard to get food on the table and they no longer stopped every day to count the little money they had.

Oh no.

They were perfectly fine now.

And, of course, after everything, Belle did not have a problem finding a job. She had managed to get this humble job at a local mall and got a few, enough for all of them.

They were good, healthy and happy.


But never… ever… was the same again.

The first times were great, Belle had the times to rest and get used to everything. But, then again, she had been resting for a good while since Robert saved her from that hell.

After a while, at home, things started to get too uneventful and boring.

Everything was the same

And everything was down to the three of them.

Of course they had some neighbors with whom they shared some good time with. Still, nothing was the same.

There was no Claire.

There was no Tom.

There was no Zoe.

And mainly for her.

There was no Robert.

She was convinced that time would help. And she thought it did.

Well, at times…

Sometimes she felt too empty.


She was not sure if she could ever get with someone again.

But still, she felt alone.

She tried to move on.

After long months, there was this good looking man, whom she met at the mall, that invited her for a nice dinner. And, not exactly sure of what she was doing, but wanting to test herself the most, she accepted it. It was not like she was being selfish, oh no. He was a nice and decent man, who fought hard to earn her trust.

But when he made the first step, the horrors that lied deep in her mind were brought back up all over again.


Aphrodite (RDJ / Scar Jo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora