Chapter two: Quillion high

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You awaken to your alarm going off under your pillow. You reach under it and grab your phone. You had a new school to go to. Just the thought of going to a new school made you annoyed. You rolled out of bed and picked out some clothes. You threw on your backpack and put on your headphones. As you walked downstairs you saw your mom watching tv in the living room. You tried to quickly slide past her and out the door but the creaking floors gave you away. "Hey honey come here let me tell you goodbye." She said getting up off the sofa. You turned to face her and saw she had a worried expression. "Please try to make new friends ok, and don't be shy put yourself out there." "Ok I will I gotta go I'll miss the bus." You said trying to leave. As you reached for the door handle your mom pulled you in for a hug. You hugged her compassionately knowing she needed it. "I love you y/n have a good day ok" "ok mom I will." You said opening and closing the door behind you.

You walked to your bus stop. It was only at the end of the street, but it felt so much further. You were the only one there which was a relief to you. The grass was wet and it was an extremely foggy morning. The bus came and you were the first one on it. The bus driver was a middle aged woman who looked like she hated her job, and wore sunglasses even though it was still dark outside. You sat at the back of the bus and just looked out the window. The bus lurched forward and you pressed the play button on your music. The bus filled up quickly and seemed to have different sections of kids. The basic bitches with the rich family's, sat in the front of the bus. The sport players sat behind the basic bitches. The nerds with the Pokémon cards sat behind the sport players. Then the emo kids sat in the back.

You saw no one sat beside you, which made you happy. But even with headphones on, the bus was loud. Finally you made it to school, but that didn't comfort you. You saw the school's name was Quillion high school. The bus stopped and opened its doors. You waited until everyone got off until you stepped off the bus. You made your way inside the large school and immediately felt the chill of the school's air-conditioning. You looked at what room you were supposed to be in, Room 666. "Wow that's great." You sarcastically said out loud. You followed the room numbers until you reached room 666. You felt a little nervous, but you pushed open the door and walked inside the classroom. The classroom looked like any other classroom dull. The teacher was a tall man with a big smile plastered on his face. "Oh look who it is." He said standing up from his desk to greet you. "Class can I have your attention, this is y/n she is a new student here so treat her with respect." The whole class turned to look at you. All you wanted to do was walk out, but you just waved awkwardly and took a seat in the back of the class.

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