Start from the beginning

"Hey, Dianna!" The teen squib waved at her with a wide grin. Dianna quickly walked through an aisle and up to the counter where Delilah Brown stood behind the register before leaning forward and hugging her.

"Hey! Wow, it's good to see you!" She pulls away from the hug to get a look at her. "I've been away for a semester and you've grown, what like, an inch and a half?" she asks the fifteen-year-old.

"You're the one to talk," She chuckles. "You're like 5'8"."

"5'9" actually," Dianna corrects with a shy grin.

"Bloody hell," She replies in awe.

Dianna moves to sit on a stool at the bar before ordering some tea. Delilah nods before getting to work. She takes her book out of her bag before looking around the store.

There are a few lounge chairs with coffee tables next to them creating a warm glow around the area. Books rearrange themselves automatically to their rightful place as fellow witches and wizards look for their next read.

She turns to look at the rest of the cafe to see people enjoying their morning peacefully. She feels something rub against her leg and looks down to see a beautiful silky gray cat purring loudly as he looks up at her.

"Why hello, Spike." She reaches down and picks him up before letting him sit on her lap. She's a big animal person. She's always thought that they were easier to get along with than people, although her family owl, Coco, is a jerk. (He likes to bite whenever she's tried to go near him.)

She pets Spike on his head before letting him hop up onto the countertop to strut over to his owner. Delilah smiled at the cat before handing Dianna her tea and she handed her a few sickles, which she puts in the register.

Suddenly, Dianna heard a loud bark-like laugh from the coffee table by the fireplace. She turns to see two boys laughing together on the couch. Here she was thinking that no one from Hogwarts knew about this place but she was surprised to see the two Gryffindors in her favorite coffee shop.

Remus grins as he covers Sirius' mouth to muffle his loud chuckles before looking around the shop to see if anyone notices. Remus' smile drops once he makes eye contact with Dianna before giving a small wave. She gives him a polite smile before turning back to Delilah.

"They've been here a few times this week," She tells Dianna, having noticed where her attention was just seconds ago.

"Just them?" she asks curiously. She's never noticed them without other members of their group.

"Yeah. They're cute together, don't you think?" She asks, leaning against the countertop as she looks in their direction behind Dianna.

She turns to see them again, now in deep conversation, Sirius having a loose grin playing on his lips with an arm dropped over the back of the couch as his hand rests on Remus' shoulder. The sight brings a small smile to her face as she tilts her head to the side.

I guess Pandora was right; relationships can appear in the most unexpected ways.

"Yeah," Dianna replies before turning back to face her friend again.

They spend some time catching up for another half an hour before Delilah gets back to work and the Ravenclaw opens the book she is almost finished reading.


Dianna takes another sip of her third cup of tea. She's just finished the book she was reading and was about to turn to look for another one only to see Remus Lupin walking up to her with his hands shoved into his pockets. "Hello there," he greets with a loose smile.

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