s: The Truth

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Monroe's POV

With one hand resting on my side, I rushed through the medical center's hallways, T'challa following close behind. I ignored his calls to me as I tried to push through the pain of my aching body. After a few turned corners, I bumped right into Tony who was beyond confused.

"Shouldn't you be on bed rest?"

"Shouldn't you be keeping Nat safe?" I shot back. Tony's confused expression switched to an eye roll with a knowing sigh. "She was on our side," I defended.

"She doubled back."

I laughed in irritation. "This isn't a game. You can't just round people up because they have the ability to dent your ego." Tony scoffs just before his watch lets out a small tune. "How far are you willing to take this, Tony? " His focus shifted to the device on his wrist, eyebrows furrowing. "What is it?" My voice clearly toned down.

Tony taps away with F.R.I.D.A.Y. projecting the photos just received. My expression softened once I realized what we were looking at.


"Fire up the chopper," Tony demanded to his AI. It had hit that we let the tension get the better of the situation. He officially felt defeated. Figuring out he had been played by a shared enemy with the captain.

"I'm coming with you," I gripped on his forearm before he could step away. That was until my head began pulsating from lack of attention to my health. My legs nearly gave out, but Tony caught me before dropping down.

"No, you're staying here where you can get the proper attention you need."


"End of discussion." I looked up, matching his gaze. I was in no position to retaliate, so I stood up and nodded in agreement. As soon as he was sure I could hold myself up, he flew off to right his wrongs. Not long after, T'challa appeared from behind. He must've been listening.

"Wait!" I called out. It was as if all injuries had faded as I practically sprinted until he halted in his tracks.

"Get out of my way," he warned, not taking his eyes off of Stark.

"You don't know the whole story." The former prince inhaled frustratingly before trying to push past me. "What if I can prove it?" His eyes finally brought themselves to mine. "Take me with you." Just as he was about to give in, my last phrase brought me back to square one. I darted my eyes in thought as he successfully pushed me aside. I had to trick him into believing his truth before showing him the real truth.

"I know how to find Barnes."


The panther and I sat in silence as he flew the jet-following Tony's chopper, low enough to stay off his radar. It wasn't until Tony dropped down to the Raft prison, in which we passed, that I broke that silence.

"What are you doing..." I ask in hesitation.

"You said you knew how to find Barnes. If that is true, we don't need Stark."

"Stark is how we're going to find Barnes. I can get in his head and figure it out," I stated matter of factly. I ignored the glare I received from T'challa as I corrected his thoughts. " I said I knew how to find him, not where to find him." 

Yet again, the panther had been played by one of us. Now he truly knows that he's going to have to play our game if he wants to reach his goal.  Getting Barnes.

I closed my eyes and locked my concentration as we hovered in between the storm clouds. It didn't take long before Sam revealed the super soldiers' whereabouts. Fluttering my eyes open, I noticed T'calla's eyes never left me. I shifted uncomfortably and cautiously approached my next words before giving him any details. 

"Before I give you anything, you have to give me your word that you'll hold back until we get all the information," I warned. 

Even with the mask of his suit, I could feel his glare burning holes through my skull. His motive was tainted with the pain of his father's death. Justice if you will. Nevertheless, he simply nodded. With a quick listen to his heartbeat, I knew he was hesitant but willing.


Landing a good distance away from the already planted quinjet, The panther and I scanned the area, making sure we were going in unseen. We were far enough to be hidden but close enough to walk through the blanket of snow to get to the doors. Just as we passed up a covered rock, I heard the familiar sound of Tony's repulsors as he landed gracefully before the entrance. 

Before T'challa could take another step, I grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him down, crouching behind the snowy rock we had just walked beside. Our backs against the hard surface, T'challa's hidden face once again found itself sending a death glare at non-other than me.

"Sorry..." I said breathlessly as I peeked around to see that Stark had disappeared. I took a deep breath and stood up, the panther mimicking my movements. We continued on, heading toward the elevator. The panther reached out his clawed hand to pull the lever, but I gripped at his wrist to bring him to a halt. 

"What now?"

"You can't call the elevator up, Stark would've only just arrived down there." His head only tilted, causing me to roll my eyes. "Steve already thinks you're after Barnes. We don't need to antagonize the super soldiers and create a war."

"I will get Barnes."

"Not if he isn't responsible." A moment passes.

"...what do you know?" 

I only press my lips together in a thin line and let his wrist lose. T'challa pulls the lever, still unsure if he'll be able to avenge his father's death with me watching his every move.

The elevator brings us down as faint voices are heard. Without a moment of thought, T'challa rushes out to find his target.

"T'challa, wait!" I whisper yell, trying not to be heard. I grunted in annoyance as I chased after him. Luckily this place was practically a maze to newcomers like ourselves. The voices echoed out as far as the entrance. To follow them and point out their location was the challenge. I channeled my inner wolf, shutting my eyes in concentration. Focused on them. My head tilted slowly as my brows curled at the one and only...

"Did you really think I wanted more of you?"

Zemo. I opened my eyes, their familiar glow as I sprinted through the halls. Catching up to the panther as he crept behind a wall, just before an opening. T'challa acknowledged my presence as he turned to me, putting a finger on his non-mouthed mask. I kept my footsteps quiet as I listened in.

"The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets."

"I'm betting I could beat that."

"Oh, I'm sure you could Mr. Stark. Given time."

Peeking out from the corner, we noticed their backs were turned to us. Using this opportunity, he crept a little closer. I immediately rushed past him, placing myself before him. Hand on the chest of the suit. Preventing his attack.

'listen...'  I push the thought through. His gaze stayed on mine as the voices continued.

"But then you'd never know why you came."

"You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here."

We shifted our heads over to the boys as Cap's words rang through the panther's ears. His posture had become saddened. 

"I've thought about nothing else, for over a year..."

The War Within | A Tony Stark SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz