c: Heroic Criminals

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Monroe's POV

"Are you sure about him?"

"Yes. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think he was worth saving," Steve pleaded. He needed help getting his hands on Bucky before the authorities did. 

"And Nat told you to stay out of it," I assumed. Poking at my food, I turned to look at Steve in a blue cap and radiator sunglasses. 

"He'd do it for me."

"1945, maybe. But I get it. Whatever you need, I'm in."

As if on cue, a blonde agent walked up to the counter we had been standing by. Steve seems to trust her... a little too much if you ask me. 

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Most of its noise. except for this," she slides over a file. "My boss expects a briefing, pretty much now, so that's all the head start you're gonna get."

"Thank you."

"You're gonna have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight," she leaves with her last words hanging in our thoughts.

"Let me guess. I'm your eyes and ears and... everything in between," I half-jokingly comment. Just before he walks off I block his path by standing before him. "I trust you, Steve. Don't make me regret this."


I followed Cap into a small, cozy apartment. Windows had been blocked with newspapers. The empty shelves and dim lighting tells us he's always running. I stood by the fridge where Cap picked up a journal. I let him snoop around as I pushed a few strands of hair behind my ears to focus on my enhanced hearing. 

"Heads up, German Special Forces approaching from the south," I warned as I looked up to see the assassin we came to rescue. I nudged Steve to turn around as I listened out. 

"Do you know who I am?"

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum."

"I know you're nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be, but you're lying."

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore."

"They're entering the building," I interrupt their reunion. "I'm gonna try and slow them down."

I cracked the door open enough for me to squeeze out. I heard footsteps coming from the staircase as expected. I looked over the rail to make sure they were far enough. I skipped over a few steps enough to be hidden from their sight. 

'3 seconds' I pushed through Steve's head. I heard the windows crash from inside the room as the armed men prepared to knock down the door. Just as they built momentum, I threw out my hands and forced the battering ram in my direction. With enough force, the tool slipped through their fingers and dented the wall behind me. All eyes were on me now as bullets began flying in my direction. I laid up a forcefield with one hand, noticing one of the policemen using a shotgun to shoot out the hinges of the door. I threw up my other hand and balled up enough energy to create a sonic wave, causing all men to lose balance and fall over. Just as they did, a metal armed punched through the door. A few policemen had regained composure and tried getting a hold of our little vigilante on the run. Before I could assist, another man came crashing from the glass ceiling. I used the rail as leverage and lunged at the hanging man as we slammed into a wall. I stood up and forced his head back into the wall, knocking him out instantly. I turned to more armed men coming up the stairs. Before they could pull on the trigger, I kicked the first man on sight. A domino effect took place as he knocked down others behind him. I shrugged in approval, looking around for this Bucky. Instead, I was met with Cap finally joining the party.

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