c: Forever

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*quick flashback from my previous book; chapter name: "You could've saved us..."*

Sliding my arm through the sleeves, I walk over to the glass planes. Appreciating the city of New York. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as he started to nip at my neck. It tickled ever so slightly, but still with a hint of pleasure.

"It's beautiful isn't it? The view."

Tony paused his actions for just a moment. I can feel his chin rest on my shoulder as he looks up.


It wasn't until I caught his reflection staring back at me, that I realized he wasn't talking about the city. I bit my lip and spun around to face him.

"Promise me this is forever," I smiled in excitement. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I caught his eyes glance at my lips.

"I promise."


Monroe's POV

"This is gonna end well," I let out sarcastically as we marched over to Stark and his allies, encouraging them to do the same. 

"They're not stopping," I heard the kid call out.

"Neither are we."

Hearing Tony's tone of voice made my heart sink, but none the less, I kept running. Our steps turned into a jog; jogging turned into running. Wanda used her energy to carry her in the air. Sam spread out his wings to lift off. I joined the rest on the ground as the two iron suits flew up in the air. Tony was coming in hot on Steve, and with all his force, he slammed down with a fist aimed for the captain. Steve threw up his shield in defense as I there energy bolts to every opponent against us. I eventually met with Nat, swinging her batons at me as I blocked each strike. I swung back at her, only for her to lean back and dodge it. I tried a second time, getting my wrist caught between her weaponry. She twisted my arm upward in its opposite direction, causing my head to lower. She tried to place a hand on my head to take me down, but I caught it and spun her around. Nat lost her grip on my arm but wrapped hers on my torso. Instead of moving against her, I moved with her, picking her up as she twirled around me. She was thrown onto the floor as I pinned her with her arms crossed over her chest.

"We're still friends right?" she asked while stuck in place. 

"Depends on how hard you hit me," I smiled, out of breath. Nat then swung her legs out from under me, using her thighs to shove me off of her. I rolled over, picking myself up only to see her foot nearly making contact with my face. However, it was caught in place with red energy. Natasha was thrown into a trailer, groaning in pain once she hit the floor. I looked over to see Wanda staring back at me.

"You were pulling your punches," she explains. I nodded as a thank you. Both of us knew I wasn't going to intentionally take her down. I looked around, looking for a friend in need. I found Tony blasting away at Sam. Scott called out to me from the floor, he was shrunk in size so I hardly noticed him.

"Jess, can you get him off me?" Sam reached out. I picked Scott up using my energy and let him hover.

"Are you're up for this?" I asked before throwing the guy high up.

"Yeah, no I'm good. I'm good, witch lady. Let's go, let's go!"

I pushed my hands forward, sending bolts to explode around Stark. As Tony defended himself, I sent Scott to land on the suit and work his magic. To keep him distracted, I kept launching beams as he shot back. How ironic that we're practically trying to kill each other. I knew Scott got the job done when the suit stopped shooting. I noticed tiny man flying out of the suit, so I curled my fingers, catching him mid-air as I lowered him to safety.

"We gotta draw out the flyers," I heard Steve speaking through the comms. "I'll take Vision, you get to the jet." I assume he has Barnes with him.

"No, you get to the jet, both of you," Sam interjected. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here."

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it," I proclaim.

"This isn't the real fight, Steve."

"Alright Sam, what's the play?"

"We need a diversion, something big."

"I got something kinda big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half, don't come back for me," Scott informed.

I kept myself hidden, prepping for my next move. In the blink of an eye, tiny Scott became giant Scott. I stared with my mouth agape as he grabbed Rhodey like a toy.

"Way to go tic tac," Sam yelled as he soared. I watched chaos unwrap as I felt my fangs poke out. I ran across, trying to catch up with Barnes and Rogers, but the black panther blocked my path. I threw beams as he dodged every one.

"I remember you," I stood up straight, waving my hands around to form energy. "I'm Jess."

"I don't care," the king coldly stated as his claws grew. Lunging toward me, I kicked my leg out. T'challa was sent back, scratching his claws on the concrete to catch himself. He pounced once again, only I wasn't as easy on him. I paralyzed his movement mid-air and threw him into some unloaded boxes. I used his crash as an opportunity to get a head start. I began running to Steve and Barnes, but another heated beam struck from Vision. It destroyed a nearby tower that could easily block the entrance. Taking a look behind, Wanda used her ability to slow down the destruction. I turned back around and launched myself to the soldiers, shifting. Four paws got me closer at a faster pace. My ears perked up at high-frequency sound waves that echoed. The structure began to fall faster as Wanda screamed in pain. I finally caught up to the men, biting onto any piece of clothing I could. I spun around and let go in perfect timing to fling them through the entrance just before the tower hit the ground. I stood on all fours, not knowing if they made it, but silence thickened the tension. My ear twitched as I heard Natasha's voice. I quietly climbed over the hill of demolished concrete. I watched her aim her shockers at what seemed to be Steve and Barnes but shot at the black panther behind them. I jumped down to the surface and walked by Nat as she continued to slow T'challa down. Before entering the jet, I shifted back, but not without thanking Nat.

'I owe you'

The War Within | A Tony Stark SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now