s: Distractions

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Monroe's POV

Shit. I'm late.

Of all days I could've been distracted, it had to be today. I promised Tony I'd be there for him. He's demonstrating a new illusion technology designed by one of the company's engineers to the MIT alumni honors students. Rumors are that the invention was meant to be innovative, but Stark had his own plans. I can trust since Obadiah years ago, that he's careful on how to pursue these new tech-related advancements. In doing so, the one scenario he chose to perform for today's presentation was the last conversation he had with his parents before they died. Of course, I was going to be there knowing how guilty he feels about the lack of respect and compassion he had for them at the time. He was young and naive, he couldn't have known. Yet, he still blames himself. I wasn't going to let him go through with it alone. And there's no excuse as to why I'm not there right now, I just hope I make it before-

"..reframe the future! Starting now..."

Oh, God... I missed it. I looked up at a screen backstage where I should have been waiting. I quietly stepped to the edge of the stage wings. The teleprompter displayed above the audience was scrolling over my entrance cue.

"Go break some eggs," Tony closed off before looking in my direction. I gave him an apologetic look before he turned to wave at the cheering crowd. I jolted when a bald man in glasses suddenly appeared beside me as he joined in the excitement.

"Wow. Wow," he exclaimed. His eyes never left Tony who was now walking in my direction. The man eagerly reached out to Stark, shaking his hand. "That took my breath away. Oh, Tony. So generous."

"I know, great guy. Thank you for having us- uhh him. It was a pleasure, but we really have to get going," I let out with a fake smile as Tony had his mic taken off by the sound guy. I clung to Tony's arm as if to steal him away, but the man couldn't keep his distance.

"It's just so much money," the man points out. I nod as he continues to blab on, trying to convince Tony of his profound ideas. Tony clearly wasn't having it, but it seems not everyone got the memo.

"Restroom's this way, yeah?" I cut him off, pointing to the exit.

"Yeah. Embedded. In the meat shaft."

"Great," I smile in his direction as I locked eyes with his. A flash of blue appeared as I forced his thoughts elsewhere, allowing Tony and I to finally walk away alone. My smile dropped as I let out a breath of relief, turning back to Tony. We made it past the backstage area, skipping the restrooms and heading toward the elevator.

"Tony, I'm so sorry. God, I feel like such an idiot-"

"It's fine."

"No, it's not," I planted myself before the billionaire, stopping him in his tracks."I should've been here."

Tony pressed his lips together, unable to make eye contact from vulnerability. I pulled him into a hug in hopes to provide some sort of comfort. I was appeased when I felt his arms wrap around me. I closed my eyes and laid my palm on the back of his suit in an attempt to focus on his sorrows. I was trying to absorb as much as I could so that he didn't have to suffer alone, but I was distracted when Tony suddenly pulled away. I looked up in confusion only to see him staring past me. I turned around to a woman waiting by the elevator. Just like that, he packed up his emotions and began walking over. I followed close behind as we came to a stop, waiting for the elevator to come down.

"That was nice, what you did for those young people," she spoke.

"They deserve it. Plus, it helps ease my conscience," I furrowed my eyebrows at his response.

"They say there's a correlation between generosity and guilt. But if you've got the money, break as many eggs as you'd like. Right?" Her tone caused us both to look over at her, analyzing the situation. Tony moved over to check the elevator button and realized it hadn't been pushed.

"Are you going up?" He asked with a motive after pressing the arrow.

"I'm right where I want to be."

My eyes narrowed, studying her as her arm reached down in her purse. My first instinct was to grab her wrist to prevent a possible assassination. She glared at me as I peered through her mind, revealing her intentions.

"Sorry..." I loosened my grip and took a step back.

"It's an occupational hazard," Tony defended.

"I work for the State Department. Human Resources. I know it's boring... but it enabled me to raise a son. I'm very proud of what he grew up to be." She shoved a photo of a young man onto Tony's chest. I took the photo from her hand, trying to recognize the young man. "His name was Charlie Spencer. You murdered him. In Sokovia. Not that that matters the least to you." I moved between the two to switch the assertiveness to me. Tony's going through enough, he doesn't need this. The woman looks up at me fearlessly. "You think you fight for us? You just fight for yourself. Who's going to avenge my son? He's dead... and I blame you."

The woman walked away, leaving us to sulk. I took another look at the picture, then turned back to Tony. I didn't think it was possible, but his anxieties worsened. She managed to shove him into a very dark place he never thought he'd be in.


Weeks passed since the confrontation, and since then, Tony has thought of every way possible to right his wrongs.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked half-doubtingly. My chin was resting on the palm of my hand as I looked up at Tony. I've been sitting on this couch, hearing out the idea of the Sokovia Accords. Apparently, he's already put it in motion with the Secretary of State. The meeting with the team is today and I myself am not even sure if I agree with it all.

"It's the only way to ensure we're all kept in check."

"I understand that Tony, but do you really think they'll all agree?" I sat up straight, rubbing my thighs anxiously.

"We've got to stick together on this one."

"That's not what this is going to do."

"Are you saying you won't sign?" Tony assumed, waiting for my opposing debate.

"I'm saying that agreeing to take away half our freedom is a big decision."

Tony crouched down to my eye level and held my hands in his. The stakes are high with this one. The idea is there, but involving the wrong people could allow the situation to go south.

"Come on, Jess. You know first hand what could happen if our weapons get in the wrong hands."

"That's just it. Some of us don't have weapons, some of us are the weapons. And as long as the government sees us that way-"

"I won't let anything happen to you. To any of them," Tony lightly brought his hand up to my cheek, causing me to place my hand over his and lean into his touch.

"Tony, once we sign ... we don't get to make the decisions," I stated while caressing his hand with my thumb.

"I promise you, it'll be harmless. I'll negotiate. Whatever it takes," he begged with pleading eyes. I sighed knowing there was no changing his mind. I brought our hands down, intertwined as I stared down at them. I bit my lip in thought as he kept his gaze on me. "Hun, please."

"If we do this, there is no going back," I looked back up to meet his eyes.

"I know."

"Okay... I'm in."

The War Within | A Tony Stark SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora