c: Disclosure

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Monroe's POV

'Let us go, Tony'

'You know I can't do that'

I watched him and Rhodey follow us closely, with Sam on their tail. Barnes was strapped in while Rogers flew us to our destination, but I couldn't sit until I watched the last move. I needed to know they were safe. My eyes widened when Vision tried to take down Sam. Wilson's wings retracted and let himself fall for a few seconds to dodge the attack. With a target missed, the beam kept going until it hit someone. That someone being Rhodey, right at the arc.

"No..." I looked around the jet for the right button, pressing it down to open up the ramp.

"What are you doing?" Steve shouted.

"We played this wrong," I suggested before I leaped out and dropped down to Rhodey. Sam and Tony turned their heads after they noticed my free fall. I reached my hands out, trying to slow his fall.

"Rhodey..." I heard Stark call out. I only heard the struggle of Rhodey's short breaths as the speed picked up. "Rhodes!"

My heart shattered at the shout of his name.

"Sam!" I directed in hopes he'd catch me as I kept my focus on Rhodey. The sight of Rhodes plummeting to the ground let my guilt consume me. I couldn't get close enough, so he crashed. Sam finally caught me mid-air. My arms around his shoulders for better grip as I waited to set foot on the ground. Tony landed before we did, ripping off his mask. I teared up, with one hand over my mouth. The second I was put down, I ran to the fallen form. I slid down the cater created from impact, catching myself on my knees. I crawled to Rhodey and noticed the blood coming from his nose. My hands shook as they hovered his face.

"I tried..." I whispered to an unconscious Rhodey.

"Emergency medical is on their way." Tony's voice was cold. I placed my hand on the side of Rhodey's face, absorbing his pain. I scanned his mind, finding the most injured nerve endings. I turned around to see Sam standing from a distance, taking a step closer.

"Sam, don't," I warned.

"I'm sorry," he tried.

Tony's face expressed anger and betrayal. Lifting his arm, he launched Sam backward with his repulser. Tony's hand was then placed on Rhodey as a way of protecting him. Looking up at Tony, I could tell his anger was also directed at me. I was on the opposing side.


"How is he?" Nat arrived at the medical center.

"They're doing a scan right now, I helped as much as I could," I informed.

"And Tony?"

"He's... dealing with it the way he does. Scolding Vision."

"Can I talk to him?"

I sighed and averted my eyes to my feet. "He wants to stay with Rhodey until it's done, I'll let him know you're here."

"Hey..." I directed my eyes back to hers. "We're good right?"

"Yeah. I'm just worried. I can't help but think this is my fault. If I stayed with him-"

"We all made our choice fighting for what we believed in. I don't think any of us are sure what that is right now. You're here now, that's what matters."

"Thank you." I brought Nat in for a hug, replacing my stress with comfort. After everything was sorted out, I left Nat and Tony with privacy. I didn't feel the need to shove my way back into chaos. All I needed was the reassurance that we were all going to walk away in peace at some point. I stayed with Rhodey, circulating my energy through him.

"I hope this is helping. Otherwise, I should be the one lying in that bed," I joked. Taking away the pain was manageable due to the rapid healing on my wolf side.

"I don't feel a thing."

"What?!" I panicked

"As in, you're doing great," Rhodey confirmed. I let out a breath of relief and offered a sad smile as he chuckled.

"I'm sorry..." I let out lowly.

"This isn't your fault."

"I wish people would stop telling me that. If I fought by your side, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"Maybe is the keyword. Someone was going to get hurt no matter which side you chose."

"Yeah... you're right." I stood up from my chair and waved a hand over his form. The energy disappeared into thin air, hopefully dissolving the majority of his pain with it. "Is that fine?"



"Woah, where are you going?" I asked, stopping Nat in place. I was walking through the halls when she had rushed by me without a word.

"Odds aren't in my favor anymore."

"Well then I'm coming with you," I took a step forward until she pulled at my arm.

"No. If anyone can straighten him out, it's you."

"I can't lose you-"

"And he can't lose you. I'll be fine."

She gave my hand a firm squeeze before walking out. I made my way back to find Tony staring at some holographic photos coming from his watch.

"What's that," I peaked from an angle. Tony turned around and revealed an apologetic look.


"Of what?"

"That I made a mistake." Tony brought up his hand to his face in a stressed expression. I closed the distance between us and lightly pulled his hand away from his hidden features. His eyes locked onto mine, vulnerability revealed. I wrapped my arms around Tony, pulling him in a soothing embrace. For the first time in a while, his arms wrapped themselves around me to return the gesture. His face nuzzled into my neck with my head resting on his shoulder. At this moment, I allowed myself to feel. I missed this; us.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, "for leaving, for Rhodes, for everything."

"Don't," Tony pulled away to softly caress my face. "This one is on me."

His finger brushed my cheek, wiping my tears. I placed my hand over his, which was now planted on the left side of my face. Pulling me in lightly, Tony gently pecked my forehead. My eyes shut instinctively, craving the gesture for so long.

"We should get going," Stark interrupted the moment, and for good reason. Now that he sees the bigger picture, we can catch up with the two super soldiers. Friday was asked to fire up the chopper as we made our way out. Mid-flight, Friday explained the mix-up and revealed the name we've been long waiting to hear.


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