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Working at the hospital has been going well, admittedly there had been Theo's awkward tension between me and Ryujin, mainly from me.

More importantly, me and Jisung have been getting closer, a lot closer. We talk regularly and he sends me his songs to listen to, my personal favourite being 'I see' one with just him on, the other ones are mainly done with Chan and Changbin, some makeshift rap unit called 3racha.

Rap never appeared to me much before Jisung, I was more of a soft instrumental kind of guy. But Jisung is melodic and emotional in his raps and I fell in love. Both with the boy and his music.

The whole falling in love thing is something I haven't truly admitted to myself never mind out loud but when Jisung sent me a surprise text asking for a study data I sort of malfunctioned.

I have nothing to wear for a date, all my clothes are being washed and all I have left is a simple white T-shirt, light blue jeans and a grey cardigan. It's simple but I think it works for a coffee shop.

Jisung works at the coffee shop to my knowledge, it did, the boy has had a lot of jobs, even since I knew him he's had two. Something about him being too hyperactive for a library.

'Hey Minho' I hear as I enter the building, it's warm in both temperature and feel, I like it here 'have you ever been here before' he asks pulling my chair out, I shake my head 'there hot chocolate is amazing' he says bouncing on the spot slightly, I can't help but blush and giggle 'I'm more of an iced americano guy' I say looking at him 'we are getting something' I ask unsure, he nods and slaps himself in the head 'of course' he begins to walk away, I get up to follow him 'I'm paying' I huff, not really bothered, and sit back down.

Inside the cafe went peacefully, my chest hurts slightly from my binder being on for too long, I try not to wince audibly, but Jisung still notices 'are you alright' he says taking a bite out of his cheesecake, I nod my head 'just a little heart burn' I say taking another sip of my second ass of hot chocolate, after stealing some of Jisung's I ended up getting my own, and then another one.

Jisung checks his phone and then puts the paper on the table away 'it's getting late, I think I need to go' he says standing up 'can I walk you home' I say grabbing his arm to stop him from walking away, he nod and I can tell a blush is starting to make its way up his neck.

We walk in silence, a comfortable silence, hand in hand, it happened at some point along the way and neither of us wanted to let go, I feel happy, at peace, safe with Jisung. 'This is me' he says as we stop outside a generic apartment building 'I guess I'll see you later' I say as I look in his eyes directly 'yea' he says as he stares right back at me.

We both slowly start to lean in as our noses touch and then our lips, it's a soft, tender kiss, filled with innocence and inexperience. Afterwards we lean with our heads against one another 'goodnight Minho' he says giving my forehead a kiss and then walking away, I give a shy wave back.

I walk back to my own apartment not knowing where we stand, but knowing I want Jisung to be more than my friend, more than my best friend, I want him to be my lover, someone I can cherish and spoil and kiss like we did as I left. I want that, now I'm sure, I love Han Jisung.

Hope you enjoyed that chapter, writing that kiss was really awkward because I've never had my first kiss, but feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions
What is a song by your faves that you just hate?

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