Chapter 13

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Word count: 2,539 Characters count: 13,024


    We stand just before the entrance to the long walkway that brings you to the door. We all stick to the wall and Thomas looks around the corner and slowly looks back at us.
    "Is it a Griever?" Chuck asks Thomas.
    "Shit." Chuck says.
    "Here let me have a look." I walk to the front and look around the corner.
    "Do you know that Griever? Y/N?" Thomas asks me.
    "No. That's a new one." I look at the others and they all look afraid. "I have an idea but it's stupid."
    "Let's hear it." Thomas tells me.
    "Well, there is one power I've never mastered but I can use it right now."
    "What?" Newt looks at me confused.
    "I can control medal...but it takes a lot out of me. So I can take the one down in the middle but I'll need a minute before I can use any power."
    "That could work." Thomas says.
    "No bloody way." Newt says.
    "I'll be fine Newt." I give him a reassuring smile.
    "Fine." Newt huffs.
    Minho turns to Chuck and Teresa "You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us."
    Teresa looks at Chuck and reassures him "It's okay. Just stick with me."
    Thomas looks at all of us "once we're thought it'll activate and the door will open. All right, we stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying. Ready?" Thomas looks at me.
    "I go first once I've got the Griever down you go." I tell everyone. I smile at them and slowly walk to the opening of the walkway. I look at the Griever and it looks at me "Hey you ugly piece of shit!" The Griever looks at me as if it's a challenge. "You really think you can beat me?" I slowly start to walk down the walkway.
    "Y/N don't piss him off just get it over with." One of the gladers tell me.
    I look at the Griever and put my right hand in front of me facing up. I slowly close my eyes and imagine that the Griever is sitting in my hand. I open my eyes to see the Griever just standing there confused. I slowly start to make my hand close and the Griever starts to squirm and scream in pain. I fully close my hand and the Griever lays there dead. I move my fist to the side making the Griever fall down the ravine. My ear starts to ring and I look around and see another Griever coming up. I feel weak to my knees but I stand my ground. I hear screaming behind me and see the gladers running towards it. I see the gladers bring their spear toward the Griever and start to try pushing it off, but the Griever's tail whips around and hits the device out of Chuck's hand. The device starts to go towards the edge and Chuck slides for it and almost falls off. I grab his foot and pull him up. I turn around and see the gladers push the Griever off. I hear Chuck scream and I look at him and see another Griever come up.
    "Come on. Thomas! Thomas!" Chuck yells at Thomas. Another Griever comes up on the opposite side. Teresa grabs Chuck and I follow we start running toward the door.
    "Chuck?" Thomas turns and looks at us.
    The boys run towards the Grievers and have their spears out. I run behind the boys and make the vines come down and wrap around one of the Griever's legs. I make the vines pull it off the platform. I turn around and see that the corridor is open. We slowly back into the corridor, the Griever pushing us.
    Teresa yells out "There's gotta be a way out. Come on."
    The boys yell at the Griever and a couple of the boys get crushed and eaten.
    Chuck yells at Teresa "It won't open."
    Teresa yells at us "Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!"
    "Eight sections of the Maze. Hey, Minho, Y/n! What's the sequence?" Thomas asks us
    "What?" Minho asks.
    "The sections of the Maze, what's the sequence?"
    I turn and look at Teresa "You ready?" She gives me a nod. "Seven!" I turn and punch the Griever in the face. "One! Five!
    Thomas gets pulled forward by the Griever and I pull him back. I make fire in my hands and put it towards the Grievers face. "Two! Six! Four!"
    "Look out!" Thomas yells.
    A Griever comes down on top of Minho. I look at the Griever and see that it is trying to attack him. Jeff runs towards the Griever and he plunges the spear into the Griever's head. Minho gets out from under the Griever and the Griever bites jeff.
    "Jeff!" Winston yells.
    "What's the sequence? Come on!" Chuck yells at me.
    "Six! Four! Eight! Three!"
    "You got it?" Minho yells at them.
    We back into the rest of the opening and Newt's spear gets pulled out of his hand. I push Newt back from the opening of the door. The large doors start to close onto the Grievers. The Grievers start to run towards us screaming. One of the Grievers gets close and I push it and the door smashes on it. The room door we stand in is pitch black. I feel a sharp pain in my back.
    Newt stops to look at me "Y/N are you ok?" he pulls me into a hug and stops. "There is something in your back." The door in front of us opens and light comes pouring in. Newt turns me around. "You've been stung." He pulls the stinger out and shows the others.
    "I'm fine guys, maybe if we get out of here we can get the cure. If worse comes to worse." I look at them "And I feel fine."
    Still with what I said Thomas comes over. "I can carry you if you want."
    "I'm fine Thomas." I push through the crowd and I go through the opening. There is a long hallway to nowhere. We look around and see the lights on the roof slowly all turn on. Thomas chooses to go right; we all stay in a group walking towards the lights are pointing. We stop at a door that has a sign above it that says exit.
    "Seriously?" Frypan asks us. Thomas slowly opens the door and we hear beeping coming from the room. In the room dead bodies litter the floor.
    "Well that's inviting." I say.
    Thomas slowly leads us in. He stops at a window and looks in. I follow his glaze and see two bodies lying on a table with cloth covering them. Newt pushes me forward away from the bodies. We walk by another body and the body has a gun not too far from its head.
    "What happened here?" Winston asks us.
    Thomas walks through a door with glass. The glass is broken all over the floor. I get in the room and look around screens all over the room. Sparks fly down from the ceiling from an open wire hanging from the ceiling.
    Me, Newt, and Frypan walk to an area that has a lot of screens. We look up on the top screen and I see the glade. "So they were watching us." Newt says "This whole time." We turn around and see Thomas press a red button.
    A screen lights up with a woman. Once her face becomes clear on the screen I know it's Ava.
    "That bitch." I whisper.
    She starts talking on the video "Hello. My name is Dr. Ava Paige. I'm director of operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department." All of us slowly walk over to the screen. "If you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you... but circumstances seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now, you must all be confused... angry, frightened."
     "Try pissed, and I already knew some of this." I say. Everyone looks at me. "Sorry."
    We turn our attention back to the screen. "I can only assure you, that everything that's happened to you... everything we've done to you... it was all done for a reason. You won't remember... but the Sun has scorched our world." On the screen the sun shows up followed by fires.
    "Billions of lives lost to fire, famine. Suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable." The screens jump to dead bodies laying on the ground. The bodies burned to black.
     "What came after was worse." The screen turns back to Ava.
    "We called it the Flare." The screen turns to a picture of darkness with worms squirming.
    Then it turns to a video of a brain with black liquid. "A deadly virus that attacks the brain."
    The screen jumps to a man being held down and is screaming. "It is violent, unpredictable, incurable."
    Her face pops back up. "Or so we thought. In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure. But finding would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed, inside harsh environments, where their brain activity could be studied, all in an effort to understand what makes them different... what makes you different. You may not realize it, but you're very important. Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun. As you will no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods. Progress is slow, people are scared. It may be too late for us... for me..." behind her we see people running around and gunshots going off. "But not for you. The outside world awaits. I hope that Y/N A0 is still alive as she is worth a lot. If she is, make sure to keep her alive." She pulls a gun out and holds it to her head. "Remember... WICKED is good."
    We all look away as the gun goes off. Newt pulls me into his chest covering me from seeing it. Thomas turns and starts walking over to the room where Ava filmed the video and a body lays on the floor. We follow close behind him but we stop as an alarm goes off. We turn to the sound and a door opens.
    "Is it over?" someone asks
    Newt speaks up "She said we were important. What are we supposed to do now?"
    Thomas looks over at Chuck "I don't know." He looks back forward, "Let's get out of here."
    "No." we hear behind us. We turn around and see Gally standing there.
    "Gally?" Thomas asks and starts walking towards him.
    "Don't" Teresa stops him. I start to walk forward and Newt stops me too. "He's been stung." Teresa continues.
    Gally drops something to the ground. He shakes his head "We can't leave."
    "We did." Thomas tells him "Gally, we're out. We're free."
    "Free?" Gally asks "You think we're free out there? No. No, there's no escape from this place." Gally raises his gun up.
    "Gally, listen to me. You're not thinking straight. You're not. Now, we can help you. Just put down the gun." Thomas says.
    I walk forward "we can go together Gal."
    "I belong to the Maze." Gally says.
    "Just put down the gun." Thomas tells him again.
    "We all do." Gally finishes.
    "Gally!" The gun goes off twice. I feel pain shoot through my stomach. I look down and see blood seeping in my shirt. I put my hand to the wound to slow down the bleeding.
    "No!" someone yells. I look up and see Gally has a spear in his chest.
    I try to walk forward but before I can go Chuck looks up at Thomas. "Thomas... Y/N..." I see blood seep through his shirt
    "Chuck." I say I try to catch him but my knees give out. I fall to the floor and Newt catches me. I look at Chuck and see Thomas holding him.
    I push up and try to grab his hand to heal him but Newt stops me. "Y/N you can't heal him and yourself."
    I look at Newt and put my hand on his cheek. "But I can save Chuck and Gally."
    "Not without killing yourself."
    "One life for two."
    "No! If you heal them you're too weak to heal yourself. This isn't just a scrap Y/N it's a life threatening injury."
    I look at Chuck and see him looking at me "Please don't Y/N you need to live. Thanks for being my sister." he hands something to Thomas. He gives us both a smile and takes his last breath.
    "No! No! I can save him! I can save him!" Newt pulls me into his chest. I hear Thomas screaming. I try to pull away from Newt but he doesn't let me. I look up at him "I can still save Gally." Newt shakes his head "Please Newt! Let me save him! He's my best friend! I can't lose him too." He pulls me deeper into his chest.
    "You can't. I need you. And even if you did heal him he's been stung" he tells me. My tears wet his shirt.
    A bright light seeps into the room and some people come running in. Newt picks me up bridal style and carries me. I hear Thomas screaming for Chuck. We get outside and the sun blinds my eyes and the whole area is covered with sand. Newt jumps into a helicopter and sits me down beside him. I look and see two people push Thomas in. I wince as I pull the bullet out of my wound and blood covers the bullet. Blood starts to cover my shirt, I put pressure on the wound so less blood comes out.
    "What's wrong with her?" one of the guys ask. I just ignore him. "You guys all right?" he asks instead. He tries to reassure us "Don't worry. You're safe now."
    The helicopter starts taking off and I look at Thomas. He holds a wood carving from Chuck in his hand. I put my hand out. "I'll put it in my bag." He agrees and I put it in my bag. We all look out the window and see the Maze. It's huge. I feel my wound fully heal and I'm relieved.
    "Relax, kid." the guy tells Thomas. "Everything's gonna change."
    Newt pulls me into him. "How are you feeling?"
    "Like shit." he kisses me on the head and I close my eyes and listen to his breathing.
    "What does A0 mean?" Newt asks me.
    "my experiment number. We all have one and mine is A0"

Narrator POV

    Ava walks up to the table and smiles. "I think it's safe to say the Maze Trials were a complete success. I wasn't expecting so many survivors, but the more the merrier. Thomas and Y/N continues to surprise and impress. And for now, they seem to have taken the bait. It's too soon to say but they could be the key to everything. So let's move forward. It's time now to begin Phase Two." She smiles at everyone and walks away.

End of the Maze Runner

End of the Maze Runner

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This is the last chapter of this book. The next chapter is information on the next book. Love all you guys thanks for 466 reads. I hope you all enjoyed this book ❤️

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