Chapter 3

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Word count: 1,133        Characters count: 5,554

Minho POV

I look at Alby and he gives me a nod. I hand him Newt and run back into the maze.

I get to the spot where I found Newt and blood covers the ground. I follow it around the corner and I see something leaning against the wall. I walk up to the thing and see a girl laying against the wall. I notice her back covered in blood and her arms and left leg looks broken. I pick her up and run back to the glade.

I enter the glade and Alby comes over. The girl starts to open her eyes and struggles out of my arms. She falls to the ground with a thud and a scream of pain leaves her mouth.
"Get away from me!" she yells at me. She passes out again.
Alby looks at me "bring her to the pit to calm down once she is calm we will take care of her injuries. Newts already in one of them for going into the maze by himself."
I pick her up and bring her to the pit beside Newt's.
"You found her! I told you I wasn't lying." Newt yells at me. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to help her?"
"She struggles more with us so we are putting here till she calms down." Newt gives me a nod.

Newt POV

I look at the girl laying on the ground. Her H/C was covering her face. She slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. She slowly scoots herself to the corner. She grabs her right arm and pushes her arm back into place she whimpers.
"Don't do that, you'll make it worse" I tell her.
"I have to put them back in place. I heal really quickly" she pushes her other arm and leg back into place.
"Why do you heal fast?"
"I was born that way. But also the people that put us here tested on me, and gave me powers they don't understand."
"What do you mean by powers?" she moves closer to me.
"Move your leg closer to me." I slowly did. She put her hands on my leg and I wince. "Sorry" she looks back down at my leg. I slowly feel my leg go back into place and the cuts healed. "I personally heal fast and back to 100% but I can heal others to the full healing that the wound would heal to just faster. So instead of you waiting a year for it to heal I can heal it in minutes."
I smile at her. "Thank you. Love" Here E/c's sparkles.
"My name isn't Love." she says at me. Not in a mean way but that she doesn't like being called that. "It's Y/N"
"So Y/N how is your back doing?"
"That one will take a while to heal just because it probably had dirt in it. How are you feeling now Newt?"
I look at her confused "You know my name?"
"Of course. I have been watching you guys for months now." She smiles at me.
"Do you live in the maze? And how long have you been here? do you have other powers
"Woah slow down there. Yes I live in the maze. It's been one year and eight months I have been here." She goes to continue but I interrupt her.
"Why did you never come talk to us?"
"I was told not too. The only way I could talk to you guys is if you saw or found me. For your question before yes, I do have more powers. But I will only show you one of them" she moves and puts her hands on the ground. She closes her eyes and I watch her hands. Under them grass starts to grow but, not only on her side but mine too. "You'll probably sleep better on grass then in the dirt."
"Your right." she quickly moves her hands when another glader walks by. "You can trust us you know."
"I trust you, Alby, Gally, and Minho. I definitely trust you or I wouldn't have saved you or shown you my powers." she smiles.
She lays down and closes her eyes. I follow by laying down looking at her and smiling.

Next morning

I wake up to a voice. I look up and see Minho sitting there.
"How are you feeling?" he asks
"I've been better."
"We are letting you guys out today." he opens the door for me and helps me out. "How are you walking?" he asks as I stand up.
"It wasn't as bad as it seemed." Minho goes and opens Y/N door. She jumps out and runs for the maze entrance but she stops about halfway.
"She is fast for someone that has a broken leg."
She turns back to us and walks back.
She gets back to us and smiles "I know you guys will jump me so there is no reason to run I guess."
Alby and Nick come running over.
"So you're going to tell us who you are." Nick asks

She explains everything to them. She agreed to stay but she said she needed to go back to get to some stuff. She also explains how her and my injuries are healed but she never tells them about her other powers.

Narrator POV
2 year and 3 months later (in total Y/N has been in the maze for 3 years and 11 months. As Alby been there 2 years and 11 months) (This is just before Chuck comes up)
(Information you need to know that happened thought the two years and eleven months) (for the next chapter)

Y/N became really good friends with all the boys in the glade. Y/N sees Minho, Gally, and Alby as her brother. When Ben came up Y/N also became really good friends within the first day. A couple days after Ben came up some of her memories came back and one of them was that Ben was her twin brother. Y/N and Alby run the glade together, Alby does most of the rules, Y/N helps him with them to make sure they are good. Y/N is a runner. She always runs on the top of the maze as the other boys run it. She watches for grievers so then the runners know they are always safe.
Y/N has a big crush on Newt and Minho knows about it. Newt also likes Y/N and he also told Minho. MInho has been telling them both that the other likes them but they always think he is joking. He finally gave up and told both of them that they have to tell each other by the night of the greenie bonfire, or he would tell the other that the other likes them.

 He finally gave up and told both of them that they have to tell each other by the night of the greenie bonfire, or he would tell the other that the other likes them

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