Chapter 29

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I've been sitting in this chair pretending to be unconscious for hours. Finally, I hear everyone leave the room. I sit up and stretch my neck. It's killing me from letting it hang for so long. At least it was productive though because I learned a lot of interesting things.

For example, my dad is wanting me to give birth to Zach's child to start his army. He knows that I won't join him willingly so he plans to use the baby to "convince" me to help him. I knew he was sadistic but that is just as evil as you can get. How can he use his own grandchild to make me do his bidding?

I haven't really thought about the baby. I guess it's hard to process because it wasn't that long ago that I had given myself to Zack. I was also really confused because Azael said that I would be giving birth in four months. I thought that was impossible until I heard them talking about how some witch had told them that nephilim are only pregnant for four months and that the baby will grow quickly. They said that he/she would be fully grown within ten years. I'm not really sure how accurate that was but it's scary. I only just found out about my baby and soon I will be giving birth. Four months is not nearly enough time to prepare, especially when your evil dad has kidnapped you. I do know though without a doubt that I love my baby more than anything in this world and I'll do whatever I have to do to survive. I'm not really sure what that is though.

One thing is for certain, I have to get out of here. I don't know exactly where he has me but I'm sure if I can get loose I can find my way. I can't stay here long enough to let him take my child. I won't be his baby making machine and create his army to destroy or take over the world. Whatever it is exactly he wants, I'm not going to be a part of it.

My wrists are behind my back. They are tied with something but I'm not sure what exactly they are. It feels like regular rope. I should be able to break them easily. I pull and struggle to free my wrists but the binding won't come off. I try the ones on my feet and they won't work either. Whatever it is they used to restrain me, it's strong.

They have me sitting at a table. I quickly look around the room to see what my surroundings look like and I must say it looks a lot like a dungeon room that you see in movies. The walls look like they are made out of dirt or rock and there is no windows. There is one light dangling from the ceiling with a string that turns it off and on.

I see the door across the room and think about scooting my chair towards it or hopping there with my tied arms and legs. When I try to stand I realize that I can't for some reason. I struggle until I'm covered in sweat but no matter how much I try I can't stand or move.

I'm so engulfed in trying to get free that I don't here the door open. " You can try all that you want, there is no way you can get out," Calvin says while laughing.

I look up at my ex-friend and scowl. "I wouldn't be so sure. I'm just a little tired and weak right now. Give me some time and I'll get out just in time to beat your ass." I say smirking.

His smile turns to an evil smirk and his eyes turn black. Within seconds he's in my face. "You are so cocky. I can't wait to break you. I might have to wait until you have golden boys baby and Ezekiel gets his turn but it's going to be worth the wait."

"It's going to be a long wait because none of you are touching me. I'm going to get out of here and I'll kill all of you before you can get my baby." I tell him with determination.

"Maybe I should go and say hello to my old girl friend Claire and let her keep me preoccupied until you come around." He taunts me.

"I'd like to see you do that. She'll rip those wings off and shove them where the sun don't shine." I tell him with a laugh.

"Yeah she's a little spit fire. I'll enjoy breaking her. Maybe I'll practice to see what works for when I get my turn with you."

Those were his departing words and they filled me with dread. Then I realize that Claire is safe. She's where none of them can get to her. She is probably mad at me right now but she knows better than to leave.

After Calvin leaves, Azael enters before the door can fully close. I wonder if he heard what Calvin had been telling me. Surely if he had any sense of fatherly love inside of him it would have angered him.

Apparently he didn't hear it or didn't care because he didn't look angry. In fact, he was wearing a smug smirk similar to Calvins as he informs me that the ropes binding me are unbreakable.

"You can struggle and wear yourself out all you want my dear. It's no use. I had the strongest witch put a magic binding spell on the ropes. As long as they are on you, you won't be able to move your hands or feet."

"I'm going to enjoy wiping that smirk off your face when I get out." I tell him with tears in my eyes. My desperation must have been clear because he laughed and looked like he was enjoying himself.

"I'm not sure its' sinking in. Those ropes are unbreakable. Even I wouldn't be able to break them. They can only be removed by the person who put them on and I have no intention of taking them off until you join me."

"I guess I'll be buried in them then because I'll never willingly help you!" I yell at him.

My body fill with dread as he exits with a haughty laugh and the words "We'll see."

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