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"23.85 is your total."

"Thanks, have a good day."

"You too ma'am."

Ana smiles and exits the small market shop with her paper bag of groceries in tow. The sound of thunder rumbling sounds off in her eardrums and she looks up at the dark sky as she continues to walk. Raindrops fall from the sky and hit her face causing a light giggle to slip from her lips.

"One umbrella for you my lady." His deep voice speaks as he opens the umbrella for her.

"Why thank you sir." She replies while smiling up at him.

"You got any plans tonight?"

"Nope, I'm gonna make us dinner and get ready for my flight tomorrow."

"You really feel like you need to go back there? You're happy here, you got me and Ayla and your annoying ass poodle."

Ana giggles again as they hold hands and cross the street.

"I know that and I'll be back. I just have a few things to work out to get my son back here with me... with us."

Adrian simply nods and smiles, he had tried talking Ana out of this plan since they met the day after she woke up in the hospital. He was her doctor and made sure to look over her especially close, being pregnant with a gunshot wound to the head made her chances of survival extremely low. Her chances and the babies chances. But Ana was a fighter and so was little Ayla. Anastassia woke up the night before she went into labor with the baby, she had been asleep for a solid nine months. After a few surgeries including one that left a metal plate inside of her head to replace the missing skull she was missing. Ana had all but healed up nicely as one head turned to two which then turned to three, with only a few minor side effects. She had a hard time remembering things and now needed to take medicine to keep the seizures at bay.

Her needs didn't bother Adrian at all. He had no issue helping and taking care of her, seeing her happy made him happy.

"I thought you hated garlic bread." Ana ask as Adrian piles on another two pieces on his plate.

"It's grown on me since you started cooking for me." He shrugs and looks over at a smiling Ayla who was lowly giggling while eating her spaghetti.

"You ready to ride on the big plane tomorrow Ayla?" Ana ask between bites of food.

"Yes!" Ayla smiles a wide tooth smile.

"Good, mommy is excited too."

"Is Adrian coming?" He small voice questions.

"No, I won't be coming with you tomorrow but I will be there soon, I can't let you and mommy have all the fun."

Ayla smiles and nods while finishing up her food. After dinner and a hot bath Ana puts her child to bed in her bedroom and shuts the door.

"Again. You sure this is what you wanna do?" Adrian ask as he sits on the edge of her queen sized bed.

"Yes Adrian. I really want you to stop trying to change my mind."

"I can't help but try and change your mind. You're finally 100% better and now you wanna run off on some revenge plan for your ex. You've told me how dangerous he is why the fuck would you do that to yourself?" He whisper yells.

Ana shakes her head while packing away a few of her toiletries.

"I need for you to understand Adrian, this has nothing to do with him. I'm going to get my son and bring him here that's it."

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