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Sitting quietly on the stool at the bar Anastassia watches as the slew of children run back and forth from the pool to the snack table. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly and the wind blew warm air over the party keeping everyone from getting too hot. Her long curls flowed in the direction of the wind and her hazel eyes reflected the sunlight beaming down.

"You want some grown up juice?" Angelle ask as she sits next to her at the bar.

"Yeah, I'll take one. Something is telling me I'm going to need it"

Angelle chuckles and grabs a red solo cup filling it mostly with tequila and adding some strawberry lemonade at the end. Ana takes one sip and scrunches up her face.

"You tryna get me drunk? I'm chaperoning."

"Pace yourself. Don't gulp it down."

Ana just nods and begins to sip again while listening to the music playing through the speakers. The birthday party for Ayden had been in full swing for about a hour and Angelle's backyard was decorated and transformed to fit the pool party theme. Seeing Ayden smile and having fun with all of his new friends made Ana happy. But the nagging feeling of dread wouldn't go away since she knew Adonis would be showing up soon.



"You lying." Angelle smacks her lips. "Just don't talk to him, that's what I would do. Ignore him if he has nothing to do with Ayden. Shit even if it does just keep acting like he doesn't exist."

"You give terrible advice sometimes."

"I can't be perfect all the time." Angelle shrugs before sipping her drink again.

Ana sips down her drink some more hearing Ayden shout in excitement for his father and his uncles walking in.

"Want another one?" Angelle chuckles while looking over at her nervous friend.

"I don't know yet." Ana mumbles before turning around in her seat.

She watches closely as Adonis embraces Ayden. He stands to his full height and instantly locks eyes with Ana. She keeps her poker face on and turns back around feeling his gaze becoming too intense for her to handle. It was the first time she had seen him since she left the beach home and she would be lying if she said he didn't look good enough to suck right now.

"Just give me a shot." Ana mumbles shaking the nasty thoughts from her mind.

Angelle hands her over the shot before standing from her seat.

"Take it easy, you don't wanna be fucked up. This is a kids party. Ima go say hi to my man."

She walks away leaving Ana alone at the bar. Ana didn't wanna drink but her thoughts were becoming too much for her to handle at the moment. As she reaches for the bottle again she hears a loud squeal from behind her.

"Hi Anastassia!" Rayn shouts as she embraces Ana from behind.

"Hey Rayn. I almost forgot you were coming." Ana replies actually a little happy to see her.

"Girl, you know I wouldn't miss my baby boys birthday! You look good girl, being single got that body right."

Ana lets out a loud laugh and rolls her eyes. Since she had been away from Adonis she had been working out not only to keep her mind occupied but to keep her sexual urges at bay. Going from having sex almost every night to none at all was harder than she thought it would be.

"Well thank you. I appreciate it."

"I see you and Adonis aren't speaking still." Rayn speaks while pouring her a glass of champagne.

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