chapter six . am i acting strange?

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Nat appreciates a good smoke and a drink. She would crave one after a long, emotional day (Nat had lots of emotional days lately). But lately, she was trying to kick the habit. Nat didn't know it yet, but her motivation was in the form of a blonde ponytail, a cute smile and bathroom banter.

Nat was also careless.

She made mistakes and takes things for granted. She's a teenager. She gets angry and looses her temper easily. That was something no blonde ponytail could stop. There was something about Glee Club that made Nat care. Maybe it was just withdrawal messing with her.

"Five, six, seven, eight. Step, turn, out, in, ball-change, step ball-change step. You, you, you, you. And ba-ba-ba. turn..." Shue instructs the group. Nat preformed pretty much flawlessly. It surprised her when others stumbled but she was still standing, "Come on, guys, you're sleepwalking on me here. Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two-"

"Please, sectionals is going to be a breeze." Mercedes says, flipping her hand. Nat couldn't help but agree. Glee Club was doing great.

"Maybe so."

Nat notices Finn staring at Quinn's stomach, almost waiting for her to pop open or drop dead, "Finn, man. Stop being a creeper. Staring at her stomach will put her on edge."

Finn nods in thanks for the advice and now, he was staring at Rachel. Nat rolls her eyes, looking to Quinn. Their eyes met and Nat held the stare, giving a smirk that would make anyone's knees shake and tingle. Quinn went beet red.

"But if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals. We have got to be on our games."

Nat and Quinn both stop staring when the sound if Kurt's laugh interrupted Shue's lecture, "Sorry. Funny Youtube. It's the grape stomping one."

Walking out of Glee, Nat felt a wave of happy impulsiveness. She walks up to Quinn, smirking cheekily, "Hi."

"Hi." Quinn smiles at the girl's presence.

"Don't make this weird, but... I saw this stuff in the store. Figured you'd like it," Nat really didn't think anything of it. But her heart blooms when Quinn gives her that smile, "Okay, there's a microwave heat pack, for cramps, those biscuits that you like, chocolate, a mixtape CD of some relaxing music, some prenatal vitamins and, I scored you some free meals at Breadstix. Also, I was thinking that we could go jogging or something too beca--"

Nat was muffled by a hug from Quinn. She understood that Quinn may not have been taken care of by Finn (no offense to him, but he wasn't a very prepared person).

"First off, I said don't make this weird," Nat whispers in Quinn's ear. Delight fills her as goosebumps rise on Quinn's arm, "Secondly, I know you're just dying for an excuse to hug me."

Quinn pulled back, now making sure there was a good amount of distance between them, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Olivia smirks, "Right. Sure, Fabray. Don't think I didn't notice our little staring competition."

"That was nothing." Quinn says shortly, walking away, trying to hide her blush.

"You have a cute blush when you get flustered."

Quinn stops walking abruptly, taking Nat's wrist and walking into an empty classroom, "You need to stop doing that."

"I seriously have no idea what you're talking about." Nat wore a spiteful smirk. Quinn couldn't choose what emotion it sparked more. Agitation or excitement, "You are so annoying."

Nat walks closer, "Annoying? I think I just ignite something in you, Fabray."

"You know," Quinn glares, "if you keep crowding me up against surfaces people are going to think you have a thing for me. I'm not up for that rumor just yet."

FEMME FATALE . QUINN FABRAYWhere stories live. Discover now