chapter three . flashbacks

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The idea of seeing Quinn twice a week (not including classes) made Nat's stomach churn slightly. It wasn't the fact that Quinn was jealous of Nat and Finn's friendship, that annoyed her. It was what happened three years prior to Glee Club.

It was a short encounter that Nat had tried to purge from her mind countless times through out her teenage life. It pained her to say, but this memory– this girl, was her... gay awakening.

Nat wished it had been someone else, anyone else, really. In fact, she had created a list of people she would have rathered to awaken the gay inside of her. The list included, but was not limited to the well known names of: Princess Leia, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Velma and/or Daphne, Megan Fox and ScarJo.

But, no– this is the story of Nat's gay awakening...

A thirteen year old Nat fiddled with the end of her flannel. That stupid science teacher made her and Quinn Fabray lab partners. They had agreed to meet up after school at the library to chat.

Nat sat on the chair, her cheek resting against the cool, smooth wooden table. Her hair had gone long, down to her waist. Nat couldn't find a pair of scissors. She scratched at the wood, splintering and chipping away.

"Hi." Quinn brushed her hair back behind her neck and smiles awkwardly.

"Um... hi," Nat hadn't realised how pretty Quinn was before, "Take a seat."

Quinn obliges and sits down. She opens her textbook and flips to through the pages. Nat peers over shoulder, feeling bare and weird without a book to flip through.

"So... what do we have to do?" Nat feels more and more nervous with each passing minute.

"It's like, a competition or something. All about fair tests and stuff. We play a game of our choice three times in a row and see who wins." Quinn explains, the words flowing eloquently.

"Okay, well, what game do you wanna play?" Nat asks.

Quinn shrugs, "My uncle owns a bowling alley. He gives me free passes."

"Cool." Nat shifts. She doesn't have any uncles, "Tomorrow then, three o'clock?"

"See you then."

Nat felt the urge to punch Rachel Berry in her smug little face. Every time she needs to go to the toilet or get a drink or anything at, she'll interrupt the entire choreography.

"Can we stop, please?"

"You don't have to ask me every time for permission to go to the bathroom, Rachel. You can just go." Shue was probably thinking the same thing as Nat.

"It's not my bladder. It's the choreography."

Nat nudges Mercedes and they both roll their eyes. If it wasn't good enough for Princess Rachel...

"Okay, what's wrong with the choreography?"

"It sucks," Rachel complains, "We can't compete with vocal adrenaline with these steps. You're a great vocal coach, Mr. Shue, But you're not a a trained choreographer. That's what we need to be the best. We need Dakota Stanley."

"Who the hell is Dakota Stanley?" Nat mumbles.

"Just because he understudied doesn't mean he ever performed." Shue says. Nat feels completely lost.

FEMME FATALE . QUINN FABRAYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora