Chapter 20

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Heaven's POV

I wake up to the sun shingling in my face . I look around and I see we're back at the house . I turn over and see Luca sleeping peacefully he look nice sleeping like nothing can bad can happen.

I then get up and head to the bathroom to shower I can still feel Ari's hands on me I want to throw up so bad I feel disgusting because of it .

I undress and turn the water on and hop in I let the water run over me for a little then I get a shower rag and start to rub my skin really head trying to get the feeling of his hand off me I don't like it .

"Babygirl" I hear Luca say from the door of the bathroom "yes" I try to make sure my voice doesn't crake but it does "yeah I'm okay I'm be right out" I say .

I finish washing my hair and body I then step out and wrap the towel around my body. I then go and open the door and step out Once I'm out I saw Luca sitting in the bed on his phone I walk to the closet .

I walk to the closet and start to get dressed after putting my bra and panties on i put on one of Luca sweaters and one of my sweatpants.

I walk out and See Luca coming towards me he raised his hand and I flinched I thought he was going to hit me I look up and see the pain and hurt in his eyes

"Baby girl I wasn't going to hit you " he says to me and then bear hugs me I hug him back I really did miss him "I love you Heaven Lopez " he say to be the kisses my forehead.

"I love you too Luca Russo" I say to him we hug for a moment but the door opens and in walks my prince still half asleep "daddy is mommy home" he says to his dad "Good morning my sweet boy" I say and I guess that was want snap the sleepiness away .

He runs to me and starts crying "baby why are you crying ?" I ask him "because the bad man took you and I didn't see you for a long time" he says and hugs me really tight is if I'm going to disappear.

"How about we go make some food with Lucy ? What you think ?" I say to humans he nods his head and runs out of the room "you coming ?"I asked Luca "yeah give me a few "he says kissing me .

I nods and make way way out for the room and down to the kitchen where Lucy and Leo are . Once there me and Leo start to cook while Lucy fills me in on what's been going one . That reminds me I need to tell Luca about Brain .

Me and Leo make pancakes ,eggs ,bacon and toast for everyone meaning Leo Lucy me and the men that are around .

Some of the guy where in the living doing who knows what Luca went to his office so I'll have to go up and give him his plate .

Me and Leo put everything on a tray for the guys can get the food themselves I don't want to give out food because then I don't know if I'm giving them to little .

Mind you these men are huge compared to me , leo and Lucy we are all small to them so yeah . "Leo go call the guys " i tell him and he runs off to get them and me and Lucy take the food to the dinning room .

I hear a bunch of loud footsteps coming closer and closer I already know they guys like my cooking.
Next thing I know they all flood in like water each taking a seat "thanks boss lady" one of them say I don't look up to see who said it so I just say your welcome

Before they can dig in I make sure to put plates aside for me,Leo and Luca full of food . I let them dig and start to eat I then go give Leo his food so he can eat after I give him his food and head to give Leo his food I want to eat with him so I take mine with his

I walk to his office and knock on the door "come in" he says and I walk in and see him behind the desk and he looks up to sees me and smile we at me.

"Hey baby what are you doing" he asked me I show him the plates "made breakfast for us" I tell him and he smiles and and nods his head I go and out the plates done on the table .

"Thank you baby girl " he says "your welcome " I say to him and we starts to eat in quit it was a awkward it was a good peaceful silence I needed this I missed him and Leo so much I'm happy I'm back I'm happy I have my boys .

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