Chapter 21

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Luca's POV

It's been a couple of months since the whole Ari thing Heaven and I have gotten more close me and Leo and spending a lot of time together I really love her and Leo a lot I can't imagine my life with out her .

Right now We are getting ready for a ball that we host every year to honor the heirs of the mafia . This year I'm being Leo.after all he is my son and the only Heir to the Italian mafia .

Once I'm done getting ready I head to Leo's room to see if he's done . Oh I forgot to mention he turned 5 a month ago I was so happy I got to spend a birthday with him and many more to come .

I make my way to his room to see him struggling putting on his dress shirt I chuckled at this which seem to catch his attention."need help buddy" I ask him and he looks at me and nods.

I walk up to Leo and and he looks at me and asked "daddy why do I need to go to this party ?" I look at him and tell him "My prince one day you will take over my job and you would be doing what I am doing you are a Russo you are a king in our world " I'll tell him more as he gets older .

Once I'm done helping Leo's I tell him to go downstairs I head back to my room were I find Heaven putting on her heels she looks so beautiful I'm happy me and her have been working on things have gotten really close .

"Hey baby"I say getting her attention she looks up and smiles . I sewer the smile can bring any man to his knees .

"Hey my love " she says to me she gets up and talks to me and kisses me on the cheek . We haven't had sex yet so yeah all I get is kisses here and there and I love them more then anything .

"Really my love " she says to me getting me out of my thoughts. "Yes Babygirl , let's go" I say and we head downstairs .

Before we reach the last step in walks all of my pains in the ass Tony, Ashes and Xavier . If your wondering if Heaven told me about Brian she did and at first I felt like shit for not seeing that and letting her get hurt but him .

She told me it wasn't my fault but you know it still bathers me that I didn't see it. "Ready Capo" Asher says pulling me out of my thoughts "my love are you okay" Heaven asked .

I looked at her and she saw that she looked worried I put my hand on her cheek and caress it and smile at her "couldn't be happier" I tell her and she smiles at me and give me a kiss .

After our little kiss she grabs Leo's hand and walks first with him to the car as one of my men held the door open for her and Leo after her.

Me,Xavier ,Tony and Asher all walked to the car as well . We all hop in make our way to the ball it takes us about an hour or so to get there .

Once we get there we get out and there are a lot of people here most family others are business partners and such .

I take Heaven's hand and she takes Leo's and we make our way out the car. And of course we had people asked questions and taking pictures of us .

"Mr.Russo is that your son ? One reporter said "Who is that women?" Another one said I stop and look at them "good evening gentlemen and I would like to clarify that yes that is my son and this women with me is my lovely girlfriend " I say to the reports and they all look surprised.

I must say I might be a Mafia man but I also someone in the business community look up to .
After I give them my statement I make my way to where Heaven and Leo are and we make our way inside.

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