Chapter 7

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Luca's POV

I can't tell that this is hurting her just by saying all this " baby you don't have to keep telling me if you don't want to " i tell her " no no it's fine " she says "after I lost my babygirl Ari came to the house where I lived to see her but when I told him that she died he blamed me he told me that I should have died not his baby and that I was a bad mother , I couldn't take it anymore so I slapped him and told him that he should have been there for me he should held my hand and should have but me first but he didn't he

chose other people of me and my babygirl so it's wasn't my fault but I didn't realize was that he wasn't the same person he was before he looked at me and then grabbed me and started hitting me more and more till Em came home and saw what he was going doing and she yelled at him to stop and he did but by this point I was out cold next thing I know i wake up the the hospital with Em by my side and tell me everything that happen but the cops didn't find Ari "

I see the tears coming down the eyes hitting the table and I know this hurts her but what really pisses me off is that this Ari dude put his hands on my girl she didn't anything wrong and he hurt her my poor baby I feel like I need to tell her about the mafia I don't want her to run from me if someone else tells her

"Baby i need to tell you something " i tell her she nods her head " baby i just want you to know that I will always keep you and Leo safe no matter what " i say she nods her head but she also looks at like i better not say something stupid which I'm kinda scared of right now " so baby Imtheleaderoftheitailianmfaia"i say all in one breath and after that all I feel is little hits on my arm

bitch "

She finishes well i at least think she did but oh boy was I wrong " sorry I didn't tell you I didn't know I was going to end up falling for you and let alone have a whole kid " i say trying reason with her She huff out and looks at me and asked the one question I

know I'm going to get hit for the most "does Leo have to be apart of this life " she asked with her head down and I feel like she knows that answer but I might as well take all the hits now "Yes he's my first born which make him my heir " i say with a proud tone maybe a little to proud bc next thing I know I'm

getting hit . " okok i get it i fucked up but please just listen to me I will do anything to protect the both of you okay baby just please leave Italy come home with me and we can live like a family " i say and look at her

"We'll go with you but as for us you'll have to work for it just because I have a child with you doesn't mean I'm going to drop my panties for you " she says " you did the first time " i say more to myself then her but I guess he heard me bc i felt a heavy SMAKE on the back of my head . " Neonata can i stay with y'all tonight please i want to be with my son when he wakes " I say in a pleading tone I don't know when I become such a pussy but oh well for her I'll be one "quest'uomo sarà la mia morte (this man is going to be the death of me)"
"Wait you know Italian" I feel my pants tighten around my little friend ugh how can I just get hard from her taking Italian also I feel like she said that more to herself then to me but than again I love this women i just don't want her to know yet .

Heaven's POV

"Yes Luca I know Italian you make it seem like I can't " i say time him now kinda made that he liked think I can't speak a language " it's not that it's just your last name is Lopez " is all I say " well Luca maybe you should have done a better job on your

research bc my adopted parents are Hispanic but my birth parents are Italian so yess I know Italian bc my adoptive mother wanted me to stick to my roots so did my adoptive father " i tell him I really don't take much about me being adopted but oh well he is my kids father .

"Would you like to find your birth parents ?" He asked me and i honestly don't know what to say to that I mean I always wanted to find them but what if they have a family I would probably ruin that for them. " um honestly I don't know if I want to do that" i say to him "miele, if you want to find them just let me know I can't help you with that okay il mio amore"  He tell me as he kisses my forehead I can't help but blush when he does that

" I'll think about it and then I'll let you know okay " i tell him " no problem il mio amore where do I sleep " he says "let me get Leo first " i tell him " no don't worry I got him" he says i rushes over to Leo who is sound sleep " okay then " i say and see him pick up a sleeping Leo "follow me " i tell him and he does

We go up the stairs and walk to Leo's run which is all pirates of the Caribbean theme he loves that movie more then any other movie I know "he like pirates " Luca asked " ha likes is an understatement love is more like it " i say to him he puts Leo in bed and gives him a kiss on the cheek and says " good night mio principe" he says to our son

Once we head out of his room I lead him to one of the guest rooms " so here's your room " i tell him he looks at me a smiles " so I sleep alone with out you " he says " y-yes you do " i say fuck why did I stutter he leans closer to me " mia regina " he whispered in

my ear and I feel chills go down my spine "Luca" i say while closing my eyes and smelling his Cologne " buonanotte mio bellissimo angelo" he says and kisses my cheek "Goodnight Luca" i say and hurry to my room ughh why does he do that to me like who does that I'm gonna make him pay for doing that ans with that I head to my bed and the moment my head hit the pillow I'm out like a light .

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