Chapter 45

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Old Pains

After a few days Jungkook was released from the hospital.
Taehyung had taken so much care of the younger, he was by his side as much as he possibly could.

Soon they were on their way back home, the new home.
Taehyung had reacted to the news of what happened with anger, he was angry that Jimin lied, for years, even to his face, and the fact he landed Jungkook in the hospital, only made his rage even bigger.

Taehyung had walked the younger inside their home, it was clean, beautiful.
Jungkook was in awe as he stared at it, tears filling his eyes as he did "Kook? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook gulped turning away "Oh nothing- this place is so beautiful" Jungkook smiled, before he was turned around to Taehyung "Kook, you know you don't have to lie about your emotions" Taehyung spoke "Oh- I know! I'm just overwhelmed is all" Jungkook smiled "I know your lying...but I won't press you for answers, all I can do is try to make you happy again, and that's what I'm gonna do!" Taehyung smiled grabbing the youngers hand, showing him around the house more.

The elder showed the younger all the rooms, every single one being perfect.
The elder even had a whole other house for his men to sleep, eat, and do whatever they needed to do.
He cared about his men, and he wanted to give them the best.

The elder eventually showed the younger the room he lived the most.
The garden room.
It was a room, filled with flowers, and other plants.
Inside held tons of butterfly's, and the walls had fairy lights.
Jungkook stared at the room in awe, his heart feeling so much at once.
He smiled brightly at it, purring his hand out watching as several butterfly's landed on his hand, he felt like a male Snow White.

"Look Taehyung! I'm Snow White!" He laughed turning to the elder. Taehyung smiled at the younger, his heart beginning to feel full again.
Jungkook was like a light in the dark, and without the younger knowing it, he was saving the elder from the dark depths he never thought he'd get out of.
He walked up to the younger, the butterfly's flying away and landing on the flowers.

He slowly grabbed the youngers hands, pulling him close, putting his forehead on the youngers "I just want to hold you" he spoke "I just want to hold you to" the younger replied "I've missed you more than you know" Taehyung spoke "I missed you so much I had wished I wouldn't have woken up from the dream...Jimin had told me it was all a dream so much I wished I could go back to the paradise I was in...just to be with you again" The younger spoke, feeling tears want to fall again, but with force he didn't let them fall.

"I did manage to snag this" The younger spoke pulling out the wedding ring, watching as Taehyung went wide eyed "I...lost mine" He spoke closing his eyes, shame filling him "I burned it all...all of it gone..." Taehyung spoke letting out a quiet cry "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" Taehyung spoke and Jungkook sighed, smiling at the elder "That's okay..." the younger spoke grabbing Taehyungs hand "You know the difference between those things and me?" Jungkook spoke putting Taehyungs hand on his heart "I'm real, I'm here, and I don't just let myself go down, those little items that are gone, they mean nothing, we can make new rings, new pictures, and clothes, they can just be bought again" Jungkook spoke, wiping away the elders tears

"We can start a whole new, make our lives better, restart! I'm here- your here, and there's nothing in our way now"


"Why did you let me die?"

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